Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

I guess I don’t understand what’s stopping you from doing that right now.

No. Your perspective on group content is fundamentally flawed, so I can’t really compose an argument against such broken logic.

I guess you have no idea why the top end raiders all run heroic splits while pushing through Mythic. Clearly it can’t be so they get better gear.

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This is the same person that had to buy an NA account so they can stalk the worthless Community Council or whatever it is…

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Not really, how many bosses do they end up killing the day they come out on normal and heroic? Even mythic? Further, the evidence is people with lower total ilvl end up killing the end raid boss later due to their ‘skill’ in mechanics and class comp.

I mean they sure can be, why else wouldn’t you be exalted as it appears you’re not?

To outgear content to death and get ahead the fastest? Correct. Remember the older raid bosses used to take a lot longer to kill because people were not outgearing them to death and it was about mechanics and such. :wink:

Someone doesn’t know how it works, then again you’re on a ‘fresh account’ on your own, no? Wonder why that is and if it’s related to all those RMT boosts. :3

Fyi, sub for either lets you post on both forums.

Still be angry that some dude called you a raider when you did like 7 LFR bosses while calling me ‘bad’ for being level 50 or something and I pointed to the fact you’ve never raided yourself and don’t even have the ilvl for it.

You were the one talking about how easy it is to get Korthia 233 gear and you can get ‘tier 6’ in a couple hours of farming rifts no?

Say what now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That was proven wrong with the release of Classic and BC Classic. It wasn’t gear that caused them to take longer or harder content.

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Lots of guilds clear heroic within the first couple days. Obviously better raid teams are going to do more with less. I’m not sure what your argument is.

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She’s never played Vanilla or TBC.

Did you know, even on the BFA Pservers those bosses (On mythic) are cleared day 1 despite taking previous world first raiders much longer? Yeah, it’s not about gear it’s more about skill and mechanics, and world first raiders spend MILLIONS of gold on gear trying to outgear the content first. :3

That the ‘lowest required gear’ to clear content is less than what ends up dropping on that tier of raid difficulty. It can do without, which was your argument for world content.

Played both, and the re-releases. Curiously, people did it with less gear this time around didn’t they~? Which was my entire point, thanks for proving it correct.

And I can keep telling you that I am a raider, and that no one in my guild is raiding until 9.2 drops. And I do have the ilvl to raid normal SoD.

Nope. Completely whiffed on that one. Getting Tier 6 is easy, but I never said anything about farming rifts.

I’m not saying that world content shouldn’t award gear. You replied to my reply to someone else. He’s arguing that all group content can be cheesed because you can eventually outgear it. There’s some truth to that, but you will outgear solo content much faster if you haven’t already.

That particular person is arguing on a fallacy. He thinks that progressive solo content is tougher because group you can be carried in group content, which is a false equivalency.

Progressive group content is always harder than progressive solo content.

I have a ton of alts to lvl to 60, then park

Well I mean you accused me of “Buying a NA account” or something, yet… Erythrae - Raids (

That’s correct, you can also out-level it.

Probably, though technically world content scales with your ilvl as well and it all depends on how Blizzard decided to scale it.

Some Legion bosses were harder at 60 than 50 after the squish, do you remember that? Some people went from being able to solo them, to not being able to afterwards.

It’s just weird how many people that don’t actually raid talk about how raiding needs to be all the best gear and such and how ‘the top guilds need so much gear’ to clear mythic when in reality it comes out as time passes you can do it with much lower gear levels if you’re doing proper strats and mechanics.

Gonna make up your mind, or are you gonna flip flop on that more than everything else? Use gender neutral if you’re not sure, remember.

Bad opinion, imo. Especially since we’ve had the ability to craft rain d level gear since Vanilla.

Once again… me getting Normal ilevel gear months after you’ve cleared Heroic doesn’t affect you.


To give you a solo path that makes solo people feel like they’ve progressed. And then it opens up other avenues as well since there’s still gear BEYOND NORMAL SOD. I dunno why you’re choosing to die on that hill.


You rambled on about being in EU and the Community crap was NA only, so you’re only here to shout at a brick wall regardless.

I can call you ‘it’.

With mats that dropped from the raid bosses, is the end of that statement.

You don’t do any content harder than open world, so getting open world gear shouldn’t bother you, yet here you are.

I didn’t play any of Legion. I didn’t start doing any kind of serious raiding until BFA. Raiding probably should give the best gear as it’s the hardest thing to set up and do. I guess you could argue that keys eventually become literally impossible and would then be the most difficult, but most people aren’t getting anywhere near that point.

That being said, I think those things reward gear that are consistent with the level of difficulty. Again, you could argue that keys might reward a bit too much for certain key levels, but you’d see less overall raid progression if you were to do that. Most people need the gear to make any kind of real progress into mythic.

But if they can’t clear Normal SoD what chance do they have clearing Heroic with their welfare gear?