Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

You gave an opinion, that was not scrutiny.

Lots of people grouped up for it. In fact, Torghast carries were pretty lucrative back in those days.

I heard some classes had issues with it so they buffed anima powers. Some people also like doing it in a group to get carried though but that is what group content can allow by design.

It’s not moving goal posts when you conflate time spent with actual skill. The gear you get from farming mats should never be comparable to gear you can only get from groups.

So then why would you have solo gear that obsoletes Normal SoD?

To a certain degree, sure. It’s not always possible to carry someone. You need to essentially do the job of two people in that scenario.

Just remember, the ‘raiders’ want everything to be about time+skill, so raids should drop lower than world content gear they have to earn currency from in raids to upgrade. The more bosses they kill the more currency they get, that’s it. It should also scale down in world content, dungeons, and PvP because gear you get from one source of content shouldn’t be as good in other sources of content, clearly.

Yup but its possible and tuned around it being a possibility. That is group design.

Yeah, but what constitutes a carry is subjective. The guy that’s told to tag the boss and then die is obviously a carry. Is the guy that has green parses on all your mythic boss progression a carry? Maybe, but if all the checks are being hit and he managed to stay alive, I’d argue that he’s contributing.

I’m going to emphasize where I said as their primary gear strategy. I don’t think it’s a problem if one piece of a raider’s 14 pieces of gear came from open world content when the other 13 pieces came from raid.

Can you explain what you mean by that? FF14 absolutely has a rigid holy trinity structure. Dungeons are always 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS. Raids are always 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS. Being able to swap jobs affects how you interact with alts more than how you interact with endgame. Gearing up multiple jobs takes a lot of effort so most people generally don’t run more than 3 or 4 jobs as their main. You can’t swap jobs inside of a raid so the different jobs are really more like specs than anything else.

Do not confuse rewards with content. They are not the same thing. I agree that we should have plenty of endgame non-competitive content but that doesn’t mean it needs to offer the exact same rewards as competitive content or be an equally viable gearing strategy. If players get BiS gear quickly and run out of content they’re not going to stay any longer than if they hadn’t gotten BiS gear and run out of content.

I’m also going to reject the notion that there is this massive legion of casual players who never engage with group content that are keeping this game afloat. When last I looked, 5% of players in any given tier will kill any Mythic raid boss, 25% will get AOTC, and something like 75% will complete LFR. The vast majority of players will never touch Mythic raiding but that doesn’t mean that there’s a massive coalition of players who never touch raiding as a whole. Most players don’t pull all of their gear from a single source.

At some point you do have to say that if you don’t want to play the game then maybe you should take a break from the game. I’m a firm believer that it’s unhealthy for people to try to force WoW to be their major source of entertainment 24/7 365 days a year. There’s nothing wrong with playing a patch until you feel fulfilled with it then canceling your sub until the next content drop. That’s also why I think more people should give 1 month subs a try and why I really find the 6 month sub mount rewards as kind of skeevy FOMO nonsense.

I’ll take things I never said for $500 Alex. Thinking that the ceiling for open world progression should be lower than the ceiling for Mythic raiding progression does not mean I think that there should be no open world progression. Indeed, open world progression is a major part of the initial progression cycle for any given patch, even if many players don’t use it for very long. There will be raiders who never filled out their BiS who use ZM catch-up gear to patch up some of their holes before they raid SotFO. And more to the point I DO think that solo players should have an avenue of progression with a similar ceiling to Mythic raiding because I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t. A skilled and dedicated player who doesn’t like playing in group PvE content should have a way to exercise that skill and gear up without having to do content they don’t like. But if a player is never doing content more difficult than world quests, I think it’s fine if their progression stops at the WQ cap.

It’s also possible to cheese solo content. That is solo design.

See how that doesn’t work?

Players cheese group content all the time? What does that have to do with anything?

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Prot paladin solo’s your raid boss, leaves. Refuses to elaborate.

That’s true, but you generally need to outgear something in order to do that. Things that break the encounter are usually patched out. The argument just can’t be that group content is easier than solo content. Something like 1% of the playerbase get CE every tier. I’d imagine that 100% of players can do world quests.

Yes you can outgear it in group content cause it actually drops gear! You are getting it!

You already outgear the world content in 9.2. It’s designed for fresh 60’s and alts.

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Don’t try to apply logic to the solo player mentality. It never works.

To kill a raid boss, you already have the gear needed to kill it. So raid bosses shouldn’t drop loot at all, especially end-raid bosses. Got it.

I not considered with ZM More so future design philosophies and modes like torgast.

I already decided to pug mythics for tier next patch. I advocate for solo gearing modes so I can enjoy playing more by myself on alts. Or stuff in future expansions. Maybe play and level some sub optimal builds for “fun”.

You seem to have problems understanding things so I suppose we can stop talking. I am fine with that.

Except that isn’t true…even the world first guilds are picking up some gear to help with it. For the majority of players, they need more gear to finish mythic and even then, most of them fail. That can’t be said for world quests. They can’t be failed.