Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

Sylvanas has a tendency to sacrifice other people for her goals rather than making a self-sacrifice.

Since the OP seems to be so interested in morality how do you reconcile sacrificing someone else for your own goals?

Doesn’t matter if the end result is good or bad, that’s subjective but even if it was for the better Sylvanas has to pay for all her crimes.

If the point is justice then Sylvanas can never be vindicated.


I’m glad you bring this up. Sylvanas differs from many other faction leaders/narrative foci in that she always takes the extreme path. If I remember correctly, this is entirely acceptable in the context of her character because she’s a banshee (and hasn’t actually been a whole person since Arthas killed her).

If we attempt to evaluate Sylvanas’ actions without recognizing that she is an intense fragment of what she once was, we’ll probably find ourselves misrepresenting/misinterpreting her.

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One scene in the Wrath of The Lich King perfectly encapsulates what Sylvanas thinks of her subjects.

A forsaken was going to be experimented on with the plague(along with some prisoners) Sylvanas did not care if said Forsaken was innocent or not. Just the result of the experiment.


I need to clarify a few things here before people waste their time. This is actually just a forum troll, don’t bother too much with it. I only replied because I wanted to invalidate blatant misinformation, but this forum poster once personally insulted people in another post for disagreeing with her views regarding Sylvanas.

After their posts were reported and removed, they jumped on 10 alts and liked their own posts. After I called them out for it, they insulted me which resulted in a forum suspension.
Maybe I can even find the thread and comment later.

By the way, the reason why they hid their profile and set their account to private was because I pointed it out that very day
Little do they know that you can still see the pet collection and easily point out their alts.
The actual name of the poster is Renautus also.

Edit: Here’s the post: Look at their first comment, then choose their main (Renautus) and compare their pet collections and battle pets.

They’re actually accusing you of alt posting and liking your posts with your own alts (which everyone knows is nonsense) while doing it themselves.

Just wanted to point this out to spare you future arguments with a poster that’s just either trolling or arguing in bad faith.


I mean it isn’t nonsense, a lot of posters do it, both Horde and Alliance, both Sylvanas stans and NEFPAs.

I would wager if Blizzard ever implemented a Battle.Net forum system, it would confirm 60% of every thread are the same person responding in different personas like some multiple personalities role player.


I’m aware of that, but those accused posters are very obviously different people, and I just found it funny that the forum troll accused them of doing something he himself does.
I just wanted to point this out and spare them the future arguments with a wall.

Eh that’s quite an exxaggeration.

I think the alt mass flagging and liking your posts with your alt needs to go though.


Adding an upvote system was a mistake to be honest

I can’t think of a single example of social media that has been made less toxic by it

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Is it tho :face_with_monocle: :thinking: doubt

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Having the same battle pets doesn’t mean much either…l have most of those pets, besides the turtle. Most of them can be bought of the AH

Ethel why don’t you stop hiding behind a lvl 10 alt with a hidden profile and tell us who you really are under the crazy.

Are you afraid that if people know who you really are you’d lose all credibility on your main?

You certainly went to a lot of trouble trying to uncover other people’s identity. Did you search everyone in this forum to find matching battle pets? I would like to know what other kind of dirt you uncovered.

The Story Forums (2021, colorized)

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Oh I really didn’t, I just typed in your name on a nice little website and it showed me everything.

Also, I accept your surrender.

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Get a life Ethel.

I guess that makes us alts of each other, since we share similar battle pets…Is that the logic we’re using now?

Those are the battle pets selected for their team, it something is account wide, not just character. So when you see the same line up, gives you a good idea if someone is posting on alt character. Especially when they have the same underleveled pet.

Not sure why you are going to bat for Luxio so much today, little strange.


I can defend who ever I please. Don’t really care if anyone finds it’s strange.

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Your alliance bias is showing.

Ugh this thread just gets worse and worse. Can you all stop acting like little children? I swear it’s like watching my neighbor’s kids argue

“You did it”
" No I didn’t do it! I saw you do it!"

I can’t believe that every poster on the Story Forums is an Erevien sockpuppet


It is kind of ironic that the people complaining about alt sock puppeteering are also engaged in the practice.