Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

You’re very welcome.

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How, exactly? Of all the people in the wow verse, Sylvanas is the last person who gets to chastise anyone else for sacrificing lives. She has condemned an untold ammount of people, against their will, to a fate worse than death. The hyppocrisy of her words are astonishing.

You are right that it may not have been right of the Winter queen to let souls die to keep Ardenweald afloat. But Sylvanas has done a similar thing, on a far larger scale, for reasons that are most likely not as noble.

Top kek.


Did you have to jump on your alt just to like your own retort?

You do you boo.

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That’s rather odd habit some forum posters have. I’ll never understand it


I don’t have an alt. Saelethe and I are nothing alike, except maybe that we both dislike your nonsensical takes on the lore.

And I see you too, Micah. I’m not Saelethe.

Mind actually adressing my retort, instead of running away?


It breaks ToS though. But it seems to be quite frequent, people need to feel that inflated sense of self worth I guess.

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So I guess you’re just gonna run away, while accusing me of altposting? Remain a coward then Luxio.


Oh just piss off Morghel. Like seriously, seek help dude. Stop picking a fight with her.


You call this “picking a fight”?

Why are you on her side? And by that I mean, you seem to excuse any action she takes, but relentlessly target anyone who goes after her because of it. Why?


I call it making a scene, like you’re prone to do. And yes, you’re clearly trying to pick a fight with her, considering you came into yet another thread she’s in with a chip on your shoulder.

Just stop, you remind me of the people who used to stalk me and follow me into every thread to start something. Just disagree and move on.


It’s her thread, with a take I disagree with. Am I not allowed to formulate an opinion against that? Am I supposed to only respond to threads and comments I agree with? Because that is called a cirklejerk.

You have a victim complex, don’t throw that on me. I tend to look through threads, and comment in those I find interesting. That’s it. If I respond to certain people more than others, it’s probably because they are more profilic and that their opinion clashes with mine quite often. I don’t intentionally seek them out, but as it turns out we end up in the same threads, for obvious reasons.


Huh uh. No one actually believes that. I’ve watched you specificially post in Luxios threads only several times now. You’re not fooling anyone

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This isn’t worth going at each other. I don’t agree with the take either, but this topic’s divisive enough, and this forum slow enough, that making things personal isn’t really helping anything.


So you think I intentionally stalk you and Luxio, because of reasons? No, I don’t. But this forum isn’t that big, and there aren’t that many threads, or that many posters.

But fine, i’ll stop replying to your posts and Luxio’s for a while. perhaps then you will believe me.

I agree. I’m bailing.


Yeah, you’re right Sarm.


You have to admit it was wierd that Morghel just showed up after being summoned. They weren’t tagged or anything. Super suspicious.

I’d let it go Lux. Dudes got issues.

What you are saying then is it’s okay for any cosmic force to just squander the souls of mortals?

In your framework the, opinions, values, and justice of mortals means nothing, the cosmic forces can do what they want.

That still solidifies me in Sylvanas’s camp. She wants a universe built on justice not the whims of the Higher Powers, to serve some balance we mortals have no say in.

We don’t even have a say in how our anima is used, we have zero ownership of our own anima. Mortals are just fuel.

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Well, yeah, because they’re a primordial force and they don’t operate with the same sense of right or wrong that we do in the real world.

For nature? I think it is pretty prideful to think literally everything should conform to our desires.

Funny how that involves causing a large amount of injustice. Again, Ardenwald is only in trouble currently because of her.