Disclaimer: This is copy pasted from I reply I did on another thread.
The problem with Sylvanas isn’t whether she is good or evil, it is that she has been the victim of inconsistent writing as of late.
She started out as a pragmatic leader who wanted to get vengeance against those who wronged her, while protecting her adopted people by any means necessary. She committed morally questionable acts once in awhile, but again pragmatism.
In Legion she stepped up in the world. Now she had to watch out not just for the Forsaken, but the Horde as a whole. Again, her pragmatic nature remained. I wasn’t entirely a fan of this, as I felt her goals were always centered around herself and the Forsaken, so I thought it would be weird that she was more benevolent towards the Horde, but I was willing to go along with it. You could argue that she had matured as a person.
Then, in BFA she became a mass-murdering maniac who kills innocent people, manipulates her allies, and then tells everyone to GTFO when Saurfang calls her out on being an awful person. This includes the Forsaken, which until this point we believed she was a dedicated mother-figure towards.
Now, in Shadowlands she appears to be an edgy nihilists who lacks conviction in her own actions and seems to teeter between motivations because again, someone calls her out and points out that she is essentially an awful person. It doesn’t feel earned, and it makes her look undecisive. What is she gonna do if she betrays the jailer? Shrug her shoulders and say “Sorry for all the mass-murdering I did. Whoopsie daisy?”
At the end of the day, it really is a shame because during Cata through Legion, I thought Sylvanas was an engaging character. I was never rooting for her, but I genuinely liked her in a ‘this is a character I love to hate’ sort of way. She will probably get some half @#$ed redemption, but as long as it means she is no longer a major part of the story then I say good-riddance. These last three expansions have made me feel burnt-out on Sylvanas.
I realize that this is only the bajillionith thread griping about this topic, so thanks for listening to my contribution.