Arcanite Reaper realm needs DESPERATE HELP!

I’m even more optimistic about d4 honestly lol, they have done some serious communication on changes they’re already making (no ancients, reduced “main stats”, new, more interesting stats, etc)

I know! It looks amazing. It’s dark like a Diablo game should be. If they have real HC PvP not like HC PvP in d3 but where we can do loot duels or even just duel to the death… I’ll be the happiest gamer around. No game has ever got my blood pumping like d2 did with loot duels.

Yes of course, because i said this 15 year old game thousands of people defeated 15 years ago has no real end game challenge, i’m a troll. rollseyes

No one cares about Arcanite Reaper. It’s a stupid name and you should feel embarrassed about joining it.

Give all of your stuffs to Glinda. Nao!

You are a troll. That’s not why you’re a troll… Referencing your tabard is one of the many reasons you’re a troll. I could go through your 4000 posts and pull many troll examples, but I don’t have time to waste sifting through that pile of dung under your bridge.

sounds like you made a bad choice, Either pay for a transfer or make a new char on a high pop realm lol

Yes of course, my proof i actually played Vanilla is trolling. So facts and things that prove you wrong are trolling? Understood, you’re not worth my time.

none of the classic servers are dead, there are faction imbalances, some have higher or lower populations. just how it was in van wow.

Bye AR. This server nearly killed the game for me. Glad paid Xfers came when they did. Enjoy your dead realm all you who stay

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Transfer to Heartseeker.

Yet you keep responding. It’s how you go about flexing not the flexing itself. This shouldn’t have to be explained… I wasn’t even referring to when you brought it in our convo btw

Nope, you brought it up, claiming you played Vanilla and therefore knew better. Keep nerd raging on buddy.

How many people are online on raid nights?


This is before I even posted on this thread. Your ego is out of control. Fyi I’m not nerd raging. I only notice your responses when I’m looking something up on these forums for information. You’re the one coming on to forums for a game you don’t play and don’t like just to tell people how bad the game is… Stick with retail bud, you fit in there.

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LOL can you guys imagine not playing on a mega realm like faerlina?

KEKW I told you so, never roll on realms that will end up being dead realms.

More of your ignorance spouted as fact.

I play a 60 mage on Herod Horde side. I very much enjoy this game. Some people act like it’s a flawless masterpiece and the best game ever. I enjoy pointing out the many many flaws in their logic, their tastes, and their premise.

I would rather stop playing than roll on Faerlina. Those are some of the most toxic children in this game, if BGs are any indication.

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How misguided you are to think one server has all of wow’s toxicity.


Math this week, colors next week.