Did I say faerlina had ALL of the toxic players? I just said out of all the super toxic/BG whiners, a majority seem to have that “- Faerlina” tag behind their name.
It’s not that surprising. Faerlina is basically just WoW themed twitch chat.
Did I say faerlina had ALL of the toxic players? I just said out of all the super toxic/BG whiners, a majority seem to have that “- Faerlina” tag behind their name.
It’s not that surprising. Faerlina is basically just WoW themed twitch chat.
Prove it and post from that toon and you win.
Why exactly?
Pwny y no warrior
Okay, you win. I no longer think you’re an arrogant a**hat with a larger than life ego. Good on you for pointing out the many flaws this game has to all the people on this thread (which is about a dying server and asking Blizzard to merge it with other dying servers) who claimed this game is a flawless masterpiece and the best game ever.
Wut. I’ve been on AR for a few weeks now and it seems to get busier and busier all the time.
Because you’re Alliance. This server is DEAD for Horde.
Yeah it’s cause you’re alliance. I was on arcanite reaper since free transfers opened up. Although it got a little better, I realized a lot of horde transfered off the day they opened paid transfers, so I just left tonight and it’s crazy how different a high pop realm is… There’s actually more than 10 people in Org. Lmao
So now you’re a sore loser too… Great.
Not sure why i expected better, you’ve given me no reason to.
It is midnight and there are 50+ people in Orgrimmar on Arcanite Reaper. It isn’t for everyone but it isn’t dead. Best of luck to you and your new realm!