Not restricting transfers by faction on highly imbalanced servers will result in more monofaction realms. It’s already happening.
All rp-pvp’ers come to Grobbulus!!!
(make sure you rp, not just pvp)
Doesn’t look like there are any limitations (at a glance). Not good!
glance harder.
Don’t ruin us!
Why is there a weird limitation stopping people from transferring from PVE realms to PVP realms? Like… why?
Edit: it’s harder to level on a high pop PVE server than a low pop PVP server friends
Other than money, what benefits are there to opening up paid character transfers this early on…
Thank god. Now the horde neckbeards can duel themselves on their PvP servers.
I’m sure this wont ruin the game even harder or anything haha
Screw off, the server is fine. We don’t need more people.
is this gold only? or $25 too?
Alot of unhappy people is my guess. with the crazy server imbalance.
“But no changes!”
Its a business with a player base. If a good majority are unhappy they will lose more money.
Because they don’t want people to be able to level and farm uncontested on a PvE realm and then transfer to PvP and be able to grief.
I don’t really care but I guess the mentality is that if you want open and forced world PvP, you gotta deal with it leveling up.
Why is your communication with your player base soooo bad??
it’s not weird
it’s easier to level on a pve server
that’s why
You just replied in their communication. Did you want a copy of the board of directors minutes too?
No Gold, only money
Want to join a balanced realm with a healthy vanilla pop? Arcanite Reaper boys.
Hey fanboi, do you think this would have been something important to communicate to your paying customers ahead of time?