Arcanite Reaper realm needs DESPERATE HELP!

Please Blizz, consider a merge or mandatory transfers. There are less than 100 players online right now. People in my guild are quitting in droves because we can’t find enough players to form a raid group and no one can farm pre-BiS because groups are non-existent. A population this low makes the game unplayable.

The first few weeks seemed okay but as players reached near cap and found themselves unable to progress the population has plummeted as people quit or re-rolled… Couldn’t even find DM groups yesterday. Insane to have a pop so low you can’t run brand new content the day of release.

The factions are also woefully imbalanced as naturally carebear Alliance players were more likely to transfer because they couldn’t deal with queues. From my spying in Alliance cities on my rogue I’d estimate the population split is something like 70/30 in favor of Alliance, and Alliance are also far more progressed because they can actually form groups.


Bliz - “Hey, we know the initial few week hype will blow up population and it will die down. We dont want a bunch of dead realms so we are opening a smaller amount and using layering”


Week 6 player - “Blizz, please address how our new server is dead”

Also trying to imagine year 1 player.


Weird. I’m on AR and things seem cool to me.


strange, I am on AR and My guild has gone into MC a few times already, though with allied guilds, as some of us are still leveling to 60.

Also, last night all I saw in /4 was a ton of people looking for groups for DM.

Why not post on your main? curious who you are on AR to have such an expert opinion.


he posted from bloodsail buccaneers…


I think it’s about time they introduced paid character transfers for Classic.

Blizz, don’t you like making money? Of course you do, that’s basically the sole purpose of your existence. So why not add this feature and make a lot of it?


You know, even when paid transfers were launched, only realms that were at least 6 months old were eligible. We aren’t even halfway there. Cool your jets.

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So paid character transfers confirmed in 3 months?!

You heard it here first!


So classic players are some monolithic entity ? lol ok retail avatar, ok.

He’s right though, the game isn’t nearly as good as some of you make it out to be. End game is nonexistant and there is no challenge beating content many of us beat years ago. Especially when every detail of every encounter is documented in detail.


It’s as if this information was completely new and no one knew this before your post today…

Everyone knows all people who post on classic characters are 1 hivemind and those that post on retail characters are another hive mind.

Absolutely no crossover.

This is like, forums 101.


More like the majority of the troll threads being made in the Classic forums are by people who do so on a retail avatar. Seen it dozens of times and quite frankly, it’s getting to be very annoying. Nobody is going to take what the OP has to say seriously if all they do is bash on Classic using a retail avatar.

Just talking about what I’ve seen in OTHER threads…not this one specifically


In THEIR opinion, it IS as good as they make it out to be.

In YOUR opinion, it isn’t.

Feel free to take your opinion over to retail and move on with your life.


You are only level 13 just move servers… takes like 15 minutes to get to 13 imo.


Well, if we’re being honest, they trickled out the new realms. It’s not like they all popped at once and are now dead. No, some of them were doomed from the start, as others were already quite established from name day on (before the game even launched) and will probably die slow deaths.

I’d also add that it may be that the population isn’t dead there but isn’t ready for endgame yet. The majority of players have yet to hit max level.

Nah i earned the right to say what classic is like by playing it, AND playing vanilla, check the tabard buddy.

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This is believable. The problem seems to be especially bad horde side as I touched on in my post. Recent census data shows a tremendous faction imbalance and I can often count the number of players on the entire horde faction with a handful of /who commands. I was outside Dire Maul for two hours and saw countless alliance groups running in and out and not a single horde group… At peak hours.



OP. Here you go.
