Anyway to get around dragon riding?

the dude with no arms complained less than you do moron. stop making excuses for everything. 1 in 3 my rear end. again here is what they say about motion sickness, Can motion sickness be cured?

Desensitization therapy works for minimizing or even curing motion sickness. Expose yourself to short bursts of activities that cause symptoms, and then work up to longer periods. If reading a book in a moving vehicle makes you feel nauseated, try reading for five minutes and then putting the book down.

and again you are ranting about how its so common thy have over the counter mds for it. go take them then. stop trying to park in the handicap spot because you get lightheaded sometimes.

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It’s literally better than normal flying in every way even in it’s basic form. And people who “literally” can’t control it, you can’t turn your camera and press 2 buttons? Pretty embarrassing.

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What breaks for you or anyone else if someone got access to normal flight in the Dragon Isles today?

Nothing. You’re still faster, having more fun, able to max out the dragon riding system in an hour, whathaveyou. You still get exactly what you want, the way you want it, without anyone needing to find another hobby because they can’t adapt to one new mechanic in the entire game.


normal flying or nothing for me.


Guess it is nothing for a year till normal flying comes out then.

did blizzard tell you when regular flying is coming out?

No, but you ain’t getting it anytime soon.

I think the issue is the lack of choice.

If dragon riding was just a skill to train and level up with it’s own unique and exclusive rewards - people would be all for it.

But since it is a thing that’s baked into the game and somewhat unavoidable- people are


Yeah thats true, I never farm so I can see how that could be inconvenient for others. I still feel like DF can be just as precise. Two days of using it in the evenings and it works very very well for short distances too - I kind of assumed it would be a long distance only kind of thing and we would just use ground mounts for small distances.

But man, I’m hopping from quest giver to quest giver in one double spacebar jump, hopping between quest pickups or interactions in small jumps, dive bombing enemies to get the extra damage caused by landing on mobs.

I dunno, again, I could see it being kind of inconvenient but overall, after about ~4-5 hours of total practice, I’m loving the functionality.

On the other hand, my girlfriend is having a meltdown because she can’t get the hang of it, so I can see how it could be difficult for some people.


mounts and Flightpaths then.

a tiny minority of the population is less important than the vast majority of the population, yes

sorry you have physical limitations, and I wish you the best, but your desire for inclusion is irrelevant

Yes, you can get around very well with Dragon Riding

Not only mad but livid.

And the first week is not over.

Give three months and the landscape changes.

It happened with garrisons, azerite armor, etc.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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The races are optional

Too late for this snide comment. :joy::joy::joy:

And, for some of us, the forums are bugged and classic characters are the only ones we can select!

Right, but you can’t get by with mounts and flight paths, because DR is required to progress the campaign. And not just a basic level, but you have to race!


No they’re not. At least 1 is required to progress the campaign. I don’t know if more are required for the campaign, because I am stuck behind this requirement.

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1/3 just in the motion sickness category, so it’s not a small minority.

Also, it’s one thing to request changes that would impact the rest of the population that doesn’t have issues with this feature. But we’re not asking to take anything away from people who are enjoying this feature. I’m not even asking for flying mounts, just don’t make mastering DR a requirement to progress in the campaign. Would that really ruin the campaign for everyone else?