I don’t want to be rude, but it sucks just let us unlock regular flying mounts at some point? I know it’s still early but I hope they don’t gimp questing because we need this abomination of a feature to get around the isles.
So you tried it in the beta and didn’t like it because it’s… ?
Be specific.
I really hope so because I’m stuck. Might as well go back to Orgrimmar and park my character there because if we have to use dragonriding, I will never progress because I am -physically incapable- of maneuvering it.
Why do you guys hate fun things?
There’s actually some accessibility options that might help you.
Just do a Google search for: Dragonriding accessibility.
Sadly I believe you still personally must do the intro quest. Which I can’t even get through.
Go check this out: it’s in the Options Menu.
Unfortunately I don’t think it works to get through the initial dragonriding quests.
Im sure you will get your normal flying too. In like a year.
Spend time getting all the glyphs, DR with full tree unlocked is night & day versus how it starts out.
Motion sickness. As it is I have to squint my eyes while DR flying.
Oh sure. Get all the glyphs. Why didn’t I think of that???
Here I am failing the waking tour race every single time.
Might as well skip it and go get glyphs that use a stupid dragon riding ability that I apparently SUCK AT!!!
I hate this game already because of this crap.
Being able to fly normally is probably at least 6 months out.
Unfortunately it happens with games in general. People who had photosensitive epilepsy had issues with video games in the past. Companies could try to migrate it but nothing can be 100% perfect for every possible conditions.

I don’t want to be rude
You are not being rude, you are just being extremely vague in your complaints. Be more specific, what do you don’t like about dragon flying? I personally have a ton of complaints about the system, especially on the “it makes no sense” side of things.

Companies could try to migrate it but nothing can be 100% perfect for every possible conditions.
Luckily there is an extremely easy solution here to be 100% perfect for every possible condition. Just keep Dragonriding exactly as it is, for the people who enjoy it, and enable regular old flying for the people with motion sickness issues.
No one’s asking for some major new invention here, just enable what already exists
NO way to opt out.
I hope people realize what this means down the road.
No doubt if they do bring back regular flight, it will be locked behind completing dragonriding content. So the same people will be locked out of getting flight as are feeling locked out now.
They can’t help themselves. They figure if only all those people with physical limitations and impairments would decide to git gud, they’d get over it.

No one’s asking for some major new invention here, just enable what already exists
Most likely they did this to combat botting.
Because it would be interesting to see, but my bet would be a considerable amount of people would just use regular flying. Over dragon flight if both were available… dragon flight is just tedious. A solution looking for a problem.
you’re physically incapable of turning your mouse to turn your character which you’ve probably been doing this entire time, dragonriding or not?