Anyone else upset that they are removing skeletons from the game?


Of course there is. The coddling, which seems to be the solution to every problem concerning them, is exactly what causes it.


If said live needs « saving » from words was it worth saving?

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deep breathe and flex that pc. flimsy no more

Did you really think blizzard would care about #nochanges? They cant make a game straight without making people mad by changing something unpopular down the line.

Normally with the outrage surrounding this game I just smh and facepalm at the stupidity of what they’re mad about, but this one I kinda agree with. The change was made because of gold sellers and people who write out slurs? Gold sellers can still spell out their site by using multiple characters, and same with people who just wanna be dicks. This change is pretty pointless.

I’ve seen better suggestions about having the skeletons have random orientations or placed somewhere within 5 yards, and while I don’t think that quite solves the problem, it’s better than what they’re trying here.


why waste the words with everything before however. sounds like a written way to say you are afraid to get punched in the face

like saying, I love you however i fooked ur sister

This solution is my favorite so far. They have chat filters

#ToggleSkeletons On/Off

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Some real skulduggery by Blizzard on this.


I don’t blame Blizzard, at least not the Devs. Something this half baked must have come from higher up the chain.

All we can do is continue the pressure from the community so that the the memorable vanilla feature is preserved. There are solutions.


Xi Jinping??

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I was just considering that while writing my last response, but I realized that wouldn’t make sense because each character still leaves 1 skeleton with the change they made. If the reason was China, they would have taken them away completely.

I think this is from PC hyper sensitivity in the upper corporate echelons. The sad thing is, solutions exist that can satisfy both concerns.

you already won’t see them all because of layering

Best solution I saw on a different post was to have your corpse rotate in a random direction upon death. Seems like it would work in my feeble mind

BINGO, straight up BAN them and REQUIRE people pay for a subscription to play Classic WoW.

No way around the pay wall means no free to play tourists that can potentially abuse the BONES!


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There was literally very little buzz about this in the previous months which made me think I was the only one that really cared. I really want to see those precious mounds of bones.


But if you’re on the layer where wpvp is happening you will, which is where it matters. Also, layering will be removed by phase 2 (according to Blizzard).

That could work also, but the problem I see is that people will just make the signs/text larger.

A toggling solution for Bones Visable: true/false sounds pretty reasonable.

Preventing trial accounts from playing classic is a definite must in this regards.

If Actiblizz stopped making changes we wouldn’t be complaining, but they can’t help themselves. They want to give up retail patch 1.12 rather than re-release Vanilla as it was.