Player Bones are Possible in Classic

Well, if its not an issue with technical limitations, they could have area bubbles that encompass entire starting zones and cities that do not allow bone pile up.

They could store the account name to the bones for accountability vs gold sellers, and have a notice go to a GM which they have just a few of just in case.

This notification would go off when a certain number of skeletons of players are accumulated in one small area (when the player leaves the corpse it checks its surroundings to check) and then the gm can check really quick if it was a gold farmer. Would not need a ton of GM’s for this, just 1 that can go around or switch servers as it happens. Most of the monitoring is done by computer, and they just double check. If it is identified as a war zone they can ignore messages in that area for a period of time with a quick button for time between 15-30 min, 1 hour, or 3 hours. To avoid spamming of notifications that occur over and over because a battle is occurring and many skeletons are constantly checking each death.

Why are we concerned with skeletons again? I forgot.

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They leave a mark on the world, making it feel bigger and more active. If you walk through a field of skeletons you knew something big happened, you feel like you are part of a active big world, and generally just feels more epic.

Can also inspire you to look into trying to be part of these big events. Also, if you notice them all over a capital, they could help inspire desire to get revenge on the other faction and to invade their towns instead. Just many things. Every feature in classic was generally small and could be considered not needed if looked at by itself, but added together they do create a better whole that promotes atmosphere and gameplay motives.


I understand what you’re saying. That does make sense.

But is it really a problem?__

When blizzard devs strongly promote “#nochanges” and the go to “#somechanges” I think there’s a problem a brewing.

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Yea, because it is part of the experience. Not like I would not play just because of it, but it definitely added to the experience, and I would love to have it if at all possible, to be part of it again.


Because we musn’t miss an opportunity, no matter how slim, to complain bitterly that Blizzard has ruined our live.

more than possible, preferred harhar

standing bones tho

I’m pretty sure that all I did was give a option that maybe they did not consider to allow them to keep them, and that it was just preferred. Nothing ever said that is was ruined or of complaint.

People use skeletons to make “bad words”. And also China have a thing about skeletons. Even their undead don’t reveal any bones. They have censorship over that stuff.

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Player skeletons should remain untouched.