I’m serious this is seriously the first thing in every post I’m super cereal
No one asked
Nobody asked you to ask that
Drama Queen much?
You really can’t make two threads saying completely opposite things and then expect anything, anywhere, that you say to be taken seriously. The truth is you found a topic that people have a very specific opinion on and are just trying to capitalize on getting attention, again:
I’d actually support dual spec if it meant you would quit the forums as well.
I didn’t ask anything though
My game
sorry, the cat is out of the bag when they allowed H v H BG’s,
I’m sorry, but duel spec does not mean that there will be no more respecs. Let’s say a warlock has a PvP spec and a raiding spec. Guild wants warlock to go Affliction for that week for the Malediction buff. -50g. Warlock wants to go destruction for arena. -50g. Duel spec =/= no more respecs.
Also, the price of duel spec in WotLK (1000g) is equivalent to 20 or more respecs. Blizz will hopefully adjust this price to account for gold inflation. If the price for duel spec costs 2000g when adjusted, and 2000 people want duel spec, that’s a whopping 4,000,000 gold sink in total.
Question didnt dual spec come out WOTLK so thats not retail. So if I am right you might need to quit at the start of the next game in classic. And also Dual spec didnt allow players to switch to any spec you got two 2 specs so that people could do pvp and a pve spec and cost about 1000g. So why would you quit a game you enjoy just cause of this better life updates. I be fine with LFG for dungs in classic. I never had any issue with LFG. The issues i had in the game was they changes were you had to be forced in to a certan weapons and stuff.
A strawman is the opposite of a steelman. Instead of presenting the best form of an argument youre presenting the worst…
If you still dont get it I hold class Tue/Thu from 12 to 2
Dual spec was added in Wrath. This has nothing to do with retail. Your argument was flawed the moment you brought in “retail” as a comparison because retail by definition isn’t “dual spec” - you are free to choose numerous specs.
Majority of the players who advocate for dual spec want to have feasibility in switching between 2 specs because its very inconvenient if someone wishes to re-spec into another spec that they wish to utilize or enjoy. This is not to relegate the game and to simply provide a leeway for choosing an alternative spec offered for your class in order to do various activities that would otherwise be restrictive on your main/primary spec.
“If Dual Speck(sic) is added, I would 100% quit”
thats a sacrifice im willing to make for Dual “Speck”.
You mean the forum would be free of your threads? Good riddance.
Why only post nonsense on Sundays when you can make it every day?
Dual spec is not needed. It only promotes min max. Everyone just copies best pve/pvp talents, not comes up with a compromised one. I use one talent on both my tons for both pve and pvp with no problems. I cleaned P2 10/10 prenerf and pushed to 1850 rating.
So are you against or in favor of dual spec?
I swear every single one of you “purists” that don’t want any QoL features say the exact same
“omgzz i h8 dual spec, you will make tbcc look like retail” but then “just wait for wrath, is such a nice feature to have! very nice job, best addition”
I can assume 100% that you are willingly buying dual spec in wrath because its convenient and it was an AWESOME addition.
You are not against Dual Spec, you are against having more freedom on our toons because you will actually welcome the change next xpac.
I feel like banning bots and gold sellers/buyers would probably help the economy more than refusing to add dual spec?
Final Fantasy 14 is an RPG, yes? Final Fantasy doesn’t even have a spec restriction. You can literally just learn every spec you want on one toon and freely change to it whenever you want without cost or consequence.
Just mark as trolling and move along, everybody. Another Lemontroll post.