Actually, if you click on the thread you linked you can see I posted an edit where I changed my mind.
It’s almost like this guy JUST found this forum 2 weeks ago and is just stirring the pot on topics that have been discussed for months now…
Thanks for the bump but I’m not a troll, you got upset about me in previous threads so now you complain about every subsequent thread I make.
If you stopped making threads, I’d stop commenting on them. Win/win for everyone.
please do so we can have duel spec. k thanks bye.
I don’t mind if you comment my threads actually, but I’m not a troll and there 0 evidence of such. Not like that’s going to stop you from claiming it, but I felt like saying it anyway.
Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t even have specializations, what are you even talking about?
Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t even have specializations, what are you even talking about?
You’re correct, Final Fantasy does not use the word “SPEC” or “SPECIALIZATION”… they use the term “JOB” but same idea.
Final Fantasy has classes that they call jobs, they do not have multiple specializations within each class/job.
classes that they call jobs, they do not have multiple specializations within each class/job.
But a player can switch between JOBS whenever they want without cost or consequence.
Say I’m currently a Dark Knight tank but then i want to do the next dungeon as a Paladin tank, boom… freely change.
Or I can change to a healer or dancer or ranged dps or melee dps…
This is the same thing that dual spec would provide, correct? A player being able to switch between being a tank/healer or dps?
Wahh wahhh wahhh /drama and /scene
“I will quit!!!”
No one cares, if you think classic has some any integrity and looking to please that “#nochanges crowd” you are a bit lost.
If you seriously think Dual spec would have any negative consequences to this version of TBC you aren’t the brightest flower in the garden.
We literally have level 58 boosts that plagued the game further with bots and gold sellers and you are worried about dual spec? Why because people may want to play more and gear another spec?
Maybe you should just quit… Dual spec comes with LK not to far off. Better prepare and quit now.
If Dual Speck is added, I would 100% quit
Cause you a crybaby lolol
something something posting in lemon something
see yall in the next thread bois
Dual spec comes with LK not to far off.
yeah, tbh WOTLK and TBC are really not that different at all. the game doesnt start to fundamentally change until Cata. So, if something is fine in WOTLK, then i see no reason why it is not fine in TBC.
You wouldn’t quit, you would stay subbed just to post on the forums.
Look at your post count and then look at mine dwarf.
You got rookie numbers.
I didn’t know a transfer would wipe the post count. I had 400 posts on my warrior.
One of the lowest IQ takes I’ve seen in awhile.
Congrats on your first post! I wonder which troll alt you’re supposed to be.
Anyways, actually this take is pretty smart.
So you’re a warrior main and you only post on the pally to hide…it literally all makes sense now.