Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

Such an accusation, from someone playing a human male character in a fantasy MMORPG. The most offending thing you’ve said to me, haha.

You have said it, they are new characters, which would be a blatant distortion of what was in the original format.

Once again disrespecting the work that its authors did, and what his son defended for a long time from the author as was Cristhophen Tolkien.

You people keep bringing up the argument of “people wanting to see themselves in fantasy characters”, but being a human male (which I am) is wrong?


GoT’s last few seasons had tons of issues but I don’t really see how it went particularly “woke”. Other than Grey Worm, everyone left standing at the end of the show was straight and white, including the boring white kid sitting on the Iron Throne. Meanwhile there was almost a 100% fatality rate for anyone who was a PoC or LBGTQ. Just saying…

Actually, a bunch of racists complained about Black Blood Elves, and Black or Asian humans. Read threads like this.

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I never brought up that argument, so again another falsehood. Maybe you should consider parsing on reading instead of trash?

Oh I know about that, but I don’t see any threads currently up about any number of other things that would be ‘incorrect for lore’ and these people ALWAYS come out in relation to other skin tone, orientation, or gender identity only it seems.

Dude. No. There’s simply not anywhere close to enough material on the Second Age to write fully fleshed out stories, especially a multi-season TV series, without creating original characters. There is nothing wrong with new characters, so long as they don’t interfere with the established arc of history.

Don’t feed it.


I’ve stopped, no worries.

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Ah look, it’s the same person that refuses to call people by their pronouns and instead opts to dehumanize them by calling them “It” what a surprise.

A guy was banned for a thousand years for arguing with racists on the forum, so hope you guys are careful.

but for that it would be in a video game, this is based on a book, and we want it to be seen in its original format, just like what you have read.

you are not wrong my friend.

but it is viable, to the world that it has, mostly the middle-earth races, it has other more European aspects of people with white or brown skin, it is difficult to find black races, something that only existed in humans, Tolkien affirmed it, and It came out excellent for its lore for that kind of humans of that kind of color.

but they are not interested, not even if it is or not, but they preferred to see The Silmarillion than THE DOWNFALLOF THELORD OF THE RINGS, as you say, has no material.

Reason as I also said, and I will repeat it, it is use for Bezos’ whim of his Game of Throne 2.0 in his streaming, I mean it’s not LotR it’s just ridiculous.

And who is threatened? just in case there is banned for flamed in a thread and nonsense.

You make no sense, no reason why you are talking, you know nothing of the reason that these people take advantage of people of diversity just in case.

while destroying the identity and the format that an author has spent years transmitting a good literary work.

Wheel of Time was SUCH a letdown! I wanted it to be good, I loved the books so much and they just butchered the story and characters.

I really think this is a bad take. If creators wanted the fans to judge the movies/shows on “their own merits” then they shouldn’t be “adapting” beloved franchises. The reason why they “adapt” these is precisely because they have a built in fan base, so they expect profitability. Fans should 100% expect a faithful rendition, not even a word for word transcription, just a faithful representation of these “adaptions”. It should be the norm, not the exception.

If those who are “adapting” these stories don’t wish to remain faithful to them, then they should put in the work and create their own settings to convey whatever messages they wish to convey, and let the court of public opinion judge THOSE on their own merits.

Amazon doesn’t have the rights to the Silmarillion, and the Silmarillion is the First Age, not the Second Age.

Once again, y’all are making it clear you don’t actually know the source material, and you don’t actually know what’s gone into making the show. You’re arguing from a willful lack of information.

he’s going to have it, well he’s going to have it, remember that Tolkien’s son is dead, he has no descendants, and nobody owns the work now.

And from what I see, they would do something with destroying the literary work at their own whim and benefit, only them, not for us and not for the public.

They fired the Tolkien scholar…that’s big red flag for me


Tolkien Scholar?

True but they don’t have an iota of creativity like Tolkien so they can never create something beautiful like this

Tom Shippey