Anyone else pumped for the LotR tv series coming?

The trailer looks great.

Big budget, solid cast.

Hopefully it doesn’t disappoint.


I try not to get hyped for anything anymore.

I will reserve my judgment until it comes out.


Not in the slightest.


Not personally, but I’m happy for all of my LotR nerd friends who are pumped. :woman_mage: :mage:


I won’t be watching since it’s not faithful to the source material.


They are going out of their way to market to people who think exactly like you, so you might want to give it a try.

Personally, I think an artist’s work shouldn’t be continued by corporations after the artist dies. It gives me this morbid image of fat cats in suits puppeting a corpse and causes me to have the chills.


Waiting on the Vampire Chronicles.

Hopefully they don’t botch this one.

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I’m looking forward to it but I think I’m more pumped for Better Call Saul and the rest of Ozark.


I’ll watch it of course… but pumped, no, I kinda already know the spoiler to ruin all spoilers.


Im pumped but cautious after the crap show The Wheel of time was /gag


I just read about it. It goes back to when the Great Rings were forged. HA, yeah, SLIGHT SPOILER! “Say, not sure if those rings are really cool, man…”

So it could be OK, being a prequel, unless they really mess up the story.

Oh good, Peter Jackson doesn’t seem involved. He did OK with “Lord of the Rings” because there was so much story already; what he did with “The Hobbit” was horrible.


Trailer looked dumb imo


I’d be hyped if it didn’t retcon the source material. But it does, so I’m not.


I don’t know how they can avoid it.

Just too much of makes Ann Rices’ writing so rich and beautiful does not translate well to the screen.

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Trailer is well uninspiring imo but i have been fooled with good trailer :poop: content so i ll give it a pass on judgement :slight_smile:

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LotR TV Series is Live Action so no.

Infact I would much rather prefer a Cartoon featuring D&D’s Arborea with Alfheim as one of the Layers alongside Arvandor, Mount Olympus, Brightwater, Aquallor and Mithardir.

A TV Show involving just one Plane of Existence with all of it’s Layers has never been done before yet would be a perfect Cartoon Setting!

Belief Shapes the Planes and since our Earth is part of the Prime Material Plane our Beliefs shape the Planes including reducing the Gods and Rulers into references for other Works of Fiction!

Alfheim would have it’s main character be it’s ruler King Gandalf Alfgeirsson(from Norse Mythology).

King Gandalf due to Copyright Laws would have to be more Kingly than the Gandalf of LotR, wield a traditional Royal Scepter instead of a Staff(Gandalf means Wand-Elf anyways and the usual Royal Scepter is a Wand) and wear different clothing from the traditional Gandalf Design(I would recommend the Animated Version of The Hobbit’s Gandalf’s outfit).

The Court of Stars that floats between the 5 Layers should be ruled by Star Queen Morwel and her husband the Star King who would also serve as protagonists of the Arborea Cartoon.

Star Queen Morwel due to her sharing the role of Fairy Queen with Titania and sharing a Title with Asuna who in one of her ingame Avatars was once forced to play the role of Titania against her will should be made similar to Asuna and have Fairy Wings(and have Blue Hair like Asuna’s Undine form) while being bossed around by her Mother(and forced to have one of her Avatars impersonate Titania against her will).

And yes the Star Queen would have a best friend whose a Good Imp who is the best Swordfighter in Alfheim and the Star King would have a Sister who naps a lot.

Ah… but that’s Alfheim and the Court of Stars… What about Arvandor, Brightwater, Mount Olympus Aquallor and Mithardir?

Arvandor should have the embodiments of High Elf as it’s Main Characters:

The Riding Outfit worn by Arwen and Idrial as well as Idrial’s third Outfit should be represented by one Character while Galadriel and that High Elf in World of Wolfram would be embodied by another and be married to the Celeborn-type Character and the remaining Main Characters would be a Tyrygosa-type Character, a Malfurion-type Character & an Velen-type Character.

As for why we need a Velen-type Character instead of an Elrond-type Character: Arvandor has a Crystal Palace ruled by Sune’s Elven Avatar in the same way Xe’ra ruled the Xenedar and her Descendant ruled the Exodar.

The locales of Arvandor would also include Correlon’s Tower(very similar to Silvermoon and ruled by both the Moon Elf Goddess and Correlon the very embodiment of Sun Elf: Chaotic, Arrogant, Self Righteous and Tyrannical), the Realm of the High Elves(similar to Rivendell), the Domain of the Grey Elves(similar to Mirkwood) and Everan’s Changing Palace(which resembles the description of Brightwater and thus should have a Portal leading to that Layer).

Brightwater having a setting resembling Elwynn Forest and the locale where Anveena lived in during the Sunwell Trilogy would be a good place for a Girl-shaped Mana Elemental made from a Mana Well from Correlon’s Tower what with “Belief shapes the Planes” and all that.

Naturally the logic that the Mana Well is the result of dumping a Mana Potion on a Leyline should be enough to cause the fiend trying to steal the Mana Well to recklessly dump a Mana Potion on said Leyline to restore the Mana Well and get disintegrated by the Wild Magic in a comical manner!

Aquallor, Mount Olympus and Mithardir are hardest to make Main Characters for as Aquallor is the Realm of Sea Elves and Mermaids, Mount Olympus is an Ancient Greece Realm and Mithardir is well… Egypt.

Nerdrotic… no, really not thinking this will go anywhere for the original fans.

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You could just make your own ‘content’…then… gee what a racist thing to say!



They will find a way to f it up, like all shows of this type do, the “hay remember x show from many years ago. well we are doing a new series”. None of them are as ever as good as fans hope/hype it up to be (star wars being a big one) . At best they end up being… meh

Sucks that’s its on one a one of the many paid tv programs. It was fine when there was 1 or 2 of them, now theres to many of them. I dont want to spend a few $100+ to watch one or two shows on them. Its why pirate sites are the go to place for a lot of people


Excited but skeptical.
Romance is a large part of drama shows, including GoT and The Witcher.

I fear they’ll focus on love stories and comedy and just turn it into a goof.