Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

There is no lore behind black blood elves. High elves formally known now blood elves are from a specific geological location. That’s how races work. Gnomes would not just suddenly appear in night elf society. So why should an entire different race? Now I am NOT saying black blood elves is a bad thing in fact I think it’s a really cool idea! Though I think it would be better if they were an entirely new elf race with their own races as an allied race sort of like void elves.

Blizzard could even add a really cool theme and heritage armor for them. Sorry if I offend anyone with this post it is not my intention!


Please don’t complain about this. There were already black blood elves in things like the comics. Saying muh lore doesn’t really matter here.

Last thing we need is another elf that is just another skin coloration as well.


now i want gnome night elves


Name a race that hasn’t had the skin color of a large number of their people altered by magic at some point.

Tauren are maybe the only one.


There is nothing that states we cannot have darker skin Blood elves.

In-game portrayal is not accurate to what the real envisioned world is like lore wise.

Keep in mind goldshire is WAAAAY bigger in lore and really small in game.

Darker skin Blood elves were always there, just because we did not get the option sooner means nothing.


I think it should have been a higher priority to give humans a palette of natural skin colors.


and in my post I said I think a dark skinned elf race would be way cooler! Like some cool nomad society of elves that live in the desert.


That’s already happening though.


It should have happened years ago is my point.


Purple skinned elves, White skinned elves, Dark elves. Yea please no. Let’s get some Sethrakk, Botani,Tuskarr or some other unique race. It should just be baked into the skin color options.


Blizzard: “what’s lore?”


I think it’s fine as it is. Nothing says they can’t have dark skin in the first place, they’re still the same blood elves. Many races have alternate shades and colors.

If anything the forest and sand troll options should be more questionable. But I think it’s better to just have fun with it. Enjoy the new options, RP it however you want. It doesn’t have to be dissected in the story.


Its appalling and dissapointing to see how quickly people write this off. Not only is it incredibly lazy (they just look like burnt blood elves) but is there a single example of a dark elf esque blood/high elf in the entire lore that wasint affected by the fel, void, etc?

Could we not all agree a pasty, blond dark iron dwarf would look just as, if not more, ridiculous?

I think people are missing the point. The problem isn’t black blood elves, its that its literally just pulled out of thin air after 15 years and Blizzard will use it to say “Look! We gave you customization!”. Would we not rather have more races? Sliders like for height, weight, etc? Rather than just absurd skin and hair recolors? (The blond night elves and Amani trolls are just as problematic)


There are people who want to play with skin tones resembling their own and there are people who want the skin tones to achieve a certain aesthetic for their character. We shouldn’t limit either of these freedoms for any lore choice imo. Player choice over lore


Another one of these threads, ugh. No matter how many of these are made they’re not taking away the new dark skin customization :smile:


TBH, it’s whatever they say it is, since they made it all up in the first place.


How come no one has a problem with the black gnomes and dwarves? Just the black Blood Elves???


Because gnomes and dwarfs more resemble humans irl which are just as diverse while blood elves are a pale, long eared, green eyed fantasy race?

“Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity). This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves.” - From the wiki.

Would you not agree a pale blond dark iron dwarf would look just as silly?


My only issue is that, if Blizzard tries to make every real-world ethnicity have representation in every race, then what is the point of having fictional races?

All of the WoW races pull from real world inspiration anyway. Tauren are native American, Humans were Western Europeans, Draenei pull a Romanian gypsy vibe, Darkspear Trolls represent Caribbean peoples, Pandas are obvious.

I really think making black / asian / whatever elf options would be pushing it. The races need to be their own things.

Don’t misconstrue that with me thinking represntation isn’t important, it is absolutely important, but let’s see new races that are culture inclusive, instead of slapping on some new skin tone duct tape to have black elves from Quel’thalas.


Actually I think it would be kind of cool and that it would work out if you asked me. I’d play it.

Also did you really just say that gnomes and dwarves better resemble real life humans and then in the same breath use that saying real life should have no impact on a fantasy race? You can’t separate realities only when it suits your need. Either we stick strictly to fantasy, in which when was the last time you seen a black gnome, or we stick to reality, in which case skin tones across the world even in the same areas can range drastically.