Anyone else hate guild cliques?

Why do you view it as a competition?

Also, you give every indication that you expect the other guild members to engage with you. What effort are you putting forth to build your own shared history with the group?

I’ll do my best not to be snarky, but you really are coming across that way here. You can’t just expect random strangers to accept you, and if they don’t then that’s a problem that they ought to solve. You should instead be looking at what you can do yourself to fit in better, and if you truly believe that there is nothing that is reasonable for you to do differently, then accept that perhaps this is somewhere you would rather not fit in.

This behavior is fairly standard for any groups, and extends far beyond WoW.

So I’m going to speak as an Officer of a guild. Yes cliques happen it’s inevitable. But it comes down to a combination of relative skill and personality.

Getting in with a group is actually really really simple…be good at content. Literally that easy. Don’t suck, don’t be a whiny child and you’re 80% of the way there.

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Delusional. Confirmation bias. The elites help each others’ alts, and don’t even notice members that are not in their cliques, unless they need you for something. If they do need your help, they’ll forget you immediately afterwards.

I did start a guild with my alts in it.

In other words, most people in guilds should expect to pug all their own content because raiders think everybody else is a whiny child who sucks by default.

It’s true that most people in guilds have to pug all their own content. But gosh, you made those players sound really bad by your example.

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Work, life, wow, heck even these forums. Cliques are inevitable.

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It always been that way.

And yet I keep trying to engage new members in my guild and… They never reply…

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I think people read into this kind of thing too much, and I say that as a guild master of a guild which I deliberately keep small. Sometimes people are busy or they miss something. Sometimes people set something up and they dedicate a time / place on the weekend to running something.

You speak about people not wanting to run keys with you. I’d argue that some people might already have obligations, and are keyed out. For example, at the end of the last season, I went for KSM. I met with four people every weekend on Saturday and Sunday nights, and we did keys specifically attempting for KSM. Is that a clique? No. That’s a team looking to get something done.

If someone then asked me on Monday to do a key, I would tell them the truth because I personally find keys tiring, and I don’t do them that often. If they see that as me participating in a clique, that’s not correct. It can be their perspective, but they’re still wrong.

The point of being in a guild is free repairs! After you get to a point where repairs are no longer a concern, guilds are great for personal banking and gold making! You get extra guild bank tabs for yourself if you make your own guild! Personally I do not run keys very much and when I do I pug everything. But I feel your pain. My thing is pvp epics. Try and find a guild for that! Lol

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I know the feeling all to well. This one guild that one of my toons is in is very cliquey. They have their favorites and you can tell it in discord. But I don’t let that dissuade me.
I suggest if you are still not "feeling it"in that guild look for another. You will find you niche in no time.

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That’s people for you. They’re generally crappy in social situations. Just say something that will get their attention, like I do e.g. “So, how does everyone feel about casual nudity”


I honestly think this is the best option. We used to say “lurk moar” to newbies to the guild. And it was less about excluding them and more about Them getting to know us. When your new to an established guild, you are an outsider, but we’re also strangers to you. I always think it’s a better idea to sit back and observe a new guild first, be a fly on the wall, learn how they interact with each other, how they joke (if they even do), do always talk about X person or talk to Y person, what topics are always coming up, and what doesn’t ever get mentioned even said topic is the news of the day in the rest of the world, do they get political, or do they seem to always avoid ideology references…Joining a new guild isn’t just about You fitting in with them, it’s them fitting in with you.

If you want a casual, friendly, gaming guild, if they’re constantly turning to current news…that might not foster, for you, that friendly light hearted grouping you want to talk new content with. If you want a serious group of people that you can share your thoughts with about what happened today, you might not get that with the guild which is constantly throwing memes around.

Lurk, because then you can see what type of group they really are and leave before they even realize that you were there if they just ain’t for you.


10/10 instant icebreaker invite to raid


when you’re the new guy in a friend group, you’re always going to be an outsider at first. people feel that awkwardness and apprehension towards getting to know you as well.

it’s a nice gesture if someone in the already-established group tries to include you, but you can’t count on humans to be like that for the most part. you have to try and join the group, ask people if they want to run keys, etc. you can’t expect people to (unfortunately) care about your existence without trying to make yourself known.

if you do try to become part of the group and they still are cliquey and toxic dbags then it’s best to just find another guild. it’s not worth your time trying to become part of a group that clearly doesn’t care whether you exist or not.

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You sound like one of those people that join a guild, ask for help immediately, then rage quit when you don’t get a reply within 15 seconds.


Maybe you’re just not as interesting as you think you are?

People aren’t obligated to entertain you because you have the same guild tag.

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i kinda like them cause then i know who to get in with. seriously though, never had this be an issue

It’s never failed to start a conversation

As an officer also I have to some what agree but more then being good at content show an effort that you are trying to improve , don’t get mad when people don’t respond right away in things like guild chat because to be honest most people rarely use it other then say doing raid/m + key or possibly arena team call outs.

Most guilds a on discord actually voice talking to one another . Feel free to jump in even if all you do is post a text reply . We put the info in so everyone even new players can join in .

Remember we invited you to the party and have initiated contact . It is up to you as a new member to take the next step and usually that starts with things like thanks for the invite which is a great ice breaker and gets a conversation going .

Each time you come in for awhile just go hello everyone and over time more will talk with you and you will talk with more and maybe it will be seen as less of a clique and more of they didn’t know you.