Anyone else hate guild cliques?

You type something in gchat or say something in discord…no response. One of the cliquey members says something: all the sudden its this lively atmosphere.

People not wanting to run keys with you. I mean whats the point of being in a guild? Might as well pug everything…

I’d be way more enthusiastic about joining guilds if you didn’t feel like an outsider.


Yeah. I disagree with the woman part in my experiences.

The server forums are just as bad about it, too.

It is worth remembering that they’ve already been playing together for [x] amount of years. Sometimes it can be hard to break into that barrier since they already know each other and have “tested” the waters, so to speak.


Cliques are a natural expansion of the tribal nature of humans. Unfortunate but not something we have outgrown as a species.


I’ve been in guilds like that, where they just generally ignore you, but not for a long time. My main is on Thrall now and the guild I’m in is great, very friendly. I know you’re tired of it, is switching to another guild an option for you?

So don’t allow yourself to be an outsider. Get in on the conversations. Listen first, talk later. No one is going to be your friend solely because you share a guild tag.


Yea difference is the “clique” person asked if anyone wanted to do a dungeon

You said " gib gold plz"

I’m getting that feeling in my current guild. Just recently joined through a friend for SL raiding, so most members don’t know me, yet. It probably won’t change until raiding has been going on a few weeks into SL. Its boring, but it is what it is. I’m an acquired taste.



Perhaps people just don’t know you.


The waman are ruining our guilds!


Kind of an inevitable thing in any social atmosphere. Even in professional ones at work.

Start your own guild. Then you’ll be the clique-er.

Another reason guilds are a waste of time.


OH MAN… i hate them guild cliques. it’s like idc if yall got a clique and what not but don’t invite me to go run a raid with yall if you not even gonna bother to small talk with me. idc for that kind of environment. i been in SO many of um especially due to my work/life schedule.

it’s especially annoying when i get into guilds that advertise they are “social” but they aren’t because of their little cliques or when i ask for help or if they want to run M+ given they can cause they do higher keys then me but they don’t want to. just at least respond “nty” or something but then when someone in their clique offers to run m+ they are quick to jump in.

this is why i like guilds that are bigger they are more social imo and friendlier atmoshpere but the issue is those guilds typically don’t do much content at all if anything no raiding, maybe random stuff together like bg’s and arenas but im mostly a pve player main focus is raiding.

im a pretty easy going guy i talk about w.e. except politics and religion i always hop in discord and what not but yea always the same issue with their little cliques.

like i said idc too much im pretty much a lone wolf irl don’t like to deal with most people due to drama and all that but for pve purposes we need that guild mentality not the clique mentality. this is why i like how classic guilds are. classic guilds very friendly imo where as retail it’s pretty much like we join a guild just for raiding and das it. you even watch r1 pvp players they skip through guilds almost like nothing it seems.


This kind of high school level crapola is the reason I abandoned the social aspect of WoW after all the raiding guilds fell apart with BC launch.


No idea why, but I always rise to the top into the clique no matter what guild I join and wind up in a leadership role. It’s probably why I am hesitant to join guilds in the first place. Becomes work

OP, I would recommend avoiding guilds that brag about how big they are, way too easy to get lost in the shuffle.


I was on your side until you said this, and now I think I hate you, OP.


Sorry I’ll take it out!

Darn women for… flips through book… talking!


The problem is that whenever you have any large group of people, cliques form. You cannot avoid that. Any guild that claims to is either a guild of people that all hate each other or lying.

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You might just be in the wrong guild for you. The other side of the coin is one of those over familiar guilds who always want to do stuff on nights you just want to herb quietly by yourself. Use an alt to scout around other guilds and find one that suits you better.

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