Anyone else hate guild cliques?

I haven’t run into that in ages. But my guilds are also mostly full of older people now. We tend not to discriminate, even with the younger ones. We have to set an example, after all! :smiley::+1:


They invite you because they’re hoping you aren’t a complete tosser, and might get to know the other members.

Like, how do you think their group of friends got started? Do you think they came out of the womb as friends?


While its pretty normal in any aspect of life that you are drawn to people you get along with best, I do have to say this is a leadership issue. When I was a guild master, my officers and I would make a point to make sure we included everyone and were also available for help with keys and such. If leadership is completely ignoring all members except for a few core ones, then it is a real problem and you might want to look for another guild or make your own.


Are these your keys you’re inviting people to or you’re not being invited to other people’s keys?

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The flip side of this is guilds having to spend a lot of time in lower content then they can handle trying to bring new players into the clique and they just disappear. Over and Over and Over to the point it becomes a burden on the core team.

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That’s just how humans are wired. Social creatures so cliques are inevitable.

Ooh… yeah. Good call in taking this out. Because I think I would’ve had to lay some smackdown on that had I saw it originally. lol

Is like any group of friends, can’t do anything about it really.

These people already have a set group of friends.

They’ve been together a long time I suppose. How on earth can you compete with years of history/bonding? lol The answer is you can’t.

I avoid guilds like the plague. I’ve been lone wolfing it since cataclysm


and, in fact, if that’s his attitude towards female gamers, no surprise he’s left out of things.


Perhaps. But at least he apologized for it. It’s a start!

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Why are you trying to compete for a spot in their friend group? That’s not how friendship works.


And I’m sitting here like, please say OPs a guy…please say OPs a guy…


When you join a new guild for the first time and expect to be the most popular person. :thinking:


I’m not exactly. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel completely closed off.

And to be fair, you were the one who said:

At the end of the day I feel like an invitation to a guild shouldn’t be grounds for an immediate invite into their clique, but it also shouldn’t mean you have to do acrobatics or be a social connoisseur to get any kind of response.

You aren’t going to click with everyone you meet. If you’re feeling that there’s no room for you in your current guild then go looking for another that fits you better.

Deciding that, because you aren’t feeling welcome in your current guild, there is something wrong with people in general, is a bit extreme.

At the risk of getting a snarky “the common thing here is you” response, I’ll say it seems to be a common occurrence no matter whatever guild I join.

Officers and maybe a few random members super close. The others might as well be invisible.

Am I late for the pity party? Has Grumbles been by with the cookies yet?


Depends on the guild.

I don’t think there’s any real cliques in my guild, though. We have our little mount farmer group, our M+ guys that push 4k IO, the German guys who literally , etc. but no healthy guild has this massive sense of exclusivity to it once you’re in.