Anybody else tired of the Mighty Brutosaur situation going ignored..! I AM

/puts on tinfoil hat

Blizzard wanted a taste of that covid gov check… why else make it limited? Others werent

But a hideous color! violet and orange swirl!

I’m tired of phoned in lame content and lazy time gated currencies!


If a mount has an ah vendor it can be polkadotted and spew slurs at me

There is no brutosaur situation. It was time sensitive. It’s gone. lol

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Hello friend! One day I hope it returns too! Maybe it’ll be part of an unlock adventure like Naxxramas?

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Theres really no situation , unless your making one… you missed it, you missed out

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I’ve said it before, but I’d have made more of an effort to save the gold up to get it had I known it wouldn’t be around at a later point.

The fact that someone had to datamine that the mount was going away and question it on the forums in order to get Blizzard to say anything about it at all was pretty messed up.
They had planned to retire it 100% quietly, and that isnt okay lmfao. If the person who was snooping around in the achievement files hadnt had said anything on the forum, Blizzard wouldnt have said a damn thing until the day it was going away.
They shoulda mentioned it was a “limited time” mount from the very beginning. If they had, more than half the people who are upset about it wouldnt be upset. Because it woulda been known from the start.

That feeling of missing out.

I maintain that they planned it that way because a lot more people would get caught with their pants down and need to buy tokens to get the mount in time, if we knew from the start, everyone would have been saving up for it as a long term plan.

I personally dumped all but 300k of my gold into tokens and then converted it into capping my Bnet balance a couple of weeks before the news broke so i resigned myself to not getting the mount at all, luckily a friend of mine insisted that i’d regret it later and gave me a 5 million loan, i turned him down initially but he wore me down (super glad he did) lol

The only situation we have going on is a bunch of people who can’t take no for an answer. Those same people constantly flood GD with whiny fallacy filled rhetoric.

Limited time means limited time no matter how often someone might cry about it.

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Its very possible, and if that is the case (which is likely is), thats super duper gross.
I have no issue with things retiring. Some times stuff goes away. But those are things we knew eventually would be going away/getting fixed/cycle out. Someone having to datamine something is going away because Blizzard wont tell people what they have planned until the last minute seems pretty shady to me.
Glad you got your mount at the very least!

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We weren’t told it was limited time tho until someone datamined it. Then a blue was like “yeah thats gonna happen” and everyone was like “UMMM?? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US?”

With the option of using the AH through the WoW app & this random Emerald Helper providing multiple access, AH included, I’m wondering if Blizzard is experimenting the affects its currently affecting the game , but that’s just my thoughts. I’m not into bulky mounts personally, but this Emerald Helper becoming personally account available any given time, would be tip top!!! :+1:

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They gave a year. It wasn’t that hard to farm the gold to earn.

Is it not possible that communicating that was on the list of things to do, but the dataminer caught it first? Regardless, it’s gone and the only way to get it moving forward is the BMAH.

Well, you had a year.

So sad, too bad.

They gave it a year, yes.
They shoulda made it clear at the launch of the expansion on whenever the mount was announced that it was limited time.
But instead they planned to keep it secret until someone datamined it and questioned it on the forums, only to reply with a “Yes… abut that…”

Communication is an important part of having a company, especially one as Blizzard/Activision.
There is no reason they couldnt have said it right off the bat.
If they had, there would be 0 issue.
The fact they were being shady is the issue.

I dont even want the mount. I’m just annoyed that everyone gotta be shady these days.

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I want the brutosaur to go on the trading post for 750 tender. JUST to watch as those that paid millions of gold for it foam at the mouth.

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Dont want it. Just want the company to stop being a turd <3

Blizzard and communication? Shocking.