Anybody else tired of the Mighty Brutosaur situation going ignored..! I AM

And people have a right to respond. It’s how social media/life works.

Disagreeing with you is not trolling. If you don’t like the replies you get, start a blog, and turn off the comments.

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Oddly enough people don’t want to hear about my take on waffles… so I come here

Not unless you’re willing to finally admit that French toast is superior.

It isnt. Its rude and doesnt embrace deoderant

LOL…I didn’t buy the Long Boi for the AH I brought it for the looks and being one of kind mount…I could careless about the AH on it…I have bank/AH alts to handle that on both sides…have had lats to doing my banking/AH work coming up on 17 yrs now…

As for saying the Long Boi gives out a advantage to post to the AH …not really if your smart enough to know which major city has AH right next too a post office your in dutch then…again almost 17 yrs of doing that now…

You know what is a big advantage now knowing your class and checking your bags before you go running out too the world…with empty hands…

I prefer syrup or jam, but if you prefer Old Spice that’s up to you.

I eat it with a cigarette and bread. As stereotypes intended

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This is actually part of the problem - it invites botting. You combine an AH and a mailbox and now a bot can fully automate the entire auction process - posting, canceling and reposting, constantly undercutting, buying and reposting, anything you can think of. The whole thing can be replaced by a script. I would be amazed if this wasn’t what the lions hare of brutasaurs parked next to mailboxes are doing.

I’ve long advocated for having brutasaurs force dismount within 10yds of a mailbox

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Because you have no idea the actual economies for all of the gold sink mounts.

They are. Nothing stops enjoyment of a vendor mount. It’s already on the BMAH. Your entitlement rant is a moot point.

I already told you I bought the “goldsink” mount from that expansion a few months into a brand new account. The brutosaur was nothing like that to most people.

Well the bmah is anotber topic but yes I support it being removed from the vendor. Let those who want it pay goldcap for it and have to fight over bids. I hope it stays that way

Most botters who had the chance to buy this thing back then are probably already banned. And actual AH bots just stand around in Booty Bay for example where they’re not under the eyes of the broad public and there’s also mail, AH and bank at one spot. A force dismount near mailboxes won’t save the economy, this will have no effect and just punish honest players.

I’m all for it being reinstated into the game, with the same price tag of course. you want that bruto, you gonna pay the premium for it.

I can see it now, if it is put back in, people are gonna complain about it’s price

I don’t doubt this at all. I saw some crazy IRL spending in Perfect World International (F2P MMO where you can buy power with real $… I left that game obviously). Those folks that just handed over a credit card and funded the entire 5M gold purchase likely spent $690 USD as Tokens were around 145K g in Aug/Sep/Oct of 2013 (yikes!).

However, as at least one example, I earned the majority purchase cost of my Bruto and I started a few weeks after they said it would be going away. Didn’t have enough at the time they announced its upcoming departure (had about 3M g). Didn’t think I could earn another 2M g in the time left. But I learned to farm gold and flip the AH and bought 4 Tokens to get the mount. I’m equally confident that many goblin players had enough gold to buy the mount as soon as it was available (I know two in my guild from BFA that did that and had bought the 2M spider mount in Legion as well).

I’m sure they did. There are always some of those who exist. And some who are good at the AH.

The point is, gold sink vendor mounts were always permanent so that people could go back at their leisure to work on them over the years and over expansions.

I know people who are still working on the other gold sink mounts: spider and lightforged flyer thingy. They’re long term goals for some people and something to do over time that keeps them playing.

All the removal of the Bruto did was make people bitter and start complaining that “everything is FOMO now.”

I personally do not care about this at all. If I want an auction house I go to a city to do it. This being not Fair well its not a Circus either, you need to get over it and move on.

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As you said, any mount obtainable with little effort (i.e., The Grand Expedition Yak) was never was a “goldsink.” The spider from Legion at a cost of 2M gold was a gold sink mount. The brutosaur from BFA at a cost of 5M gold was a gold sink mount. The yak from MoP at 0.12M gold isn’t even close to a gold sink, doesn’t matter that it was the most expensive mount in that expansion (guessing it was, not sure). Anything under 1M gold just isn’t a gold sink (some players have been at gold cap well prior to MoP; those players are Blizzard’s target demographic for attractive, high-cost gold sinks).

Agreed! Bad choice on Blizzard’s part, esp. since it was not introduced as a limited-time item. That bad news got delivered well after it was sitting on a vendor for a few months, creating that FOMO scramble and ensuing bitterness of those that tried and failed as well as those that never had a real chance.


They should have never taken it off the vendor and they should put it back on.

But I’m not so sure this is a situation.

Then I better get a refund on my 5 million gold.

I saw a post a while ago of alternate colored brutosaurs.

Personally I think they should add a new color one to a vendor, and keep the OG green one on the Black Market Auction House

Or just make a new AH mount all together. One of those big fire mammoths in Dragonflight could be one