Any allied races going to be announced at blizcon?

Well yes thats the 2nd best ally race now under LF draene/draenei, but their racial to jump teleport is worthless.

We can only wish. Ethereals FTW.


Say it isnā€™t soā€¦ although, I wouldnā€™t be entirely shocked if it happened. Because Blizzard :upside_down_face:

i believe they said weā€™re getting a break from them for awhile, but that they might bring them back at a later date.

So id expect maybe another race armor and some of the promised tier sets to be excited about

id also bet on some more character customization for those lacking like nightborne, KT humans, and mechagnomes. I also expect that maybe some of the ā€œstandardā€ customizations will be added to allied races, like the draenei long tails to LF. And Night warrior skintones for DHā€™s ect ect.

Reminder: Before they add more races, they should release all the races heritage armors.

Adding Warlocks true idle caster animation would also be nice.

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I doubt it.

I hope so. The covenant races for a later patch.

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I really wish theyā€™d just expand on what we have now.
Thereā€™s only a few races left that are warranted, and the ones people are asking for are going to cause Nightborne and Mechagnome 2.0 where one side gets utterly screwed either due to lore, or aesthetics.

The base and current allied races need way more work before we get more.
Iā€™m still waiting for my tattoos.

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Playable dredgers!

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blizzard just announced the horde allied race today
its quillboar

makes sense the war of the ancients

If they do, I hope the new races they announce are more unique. We donā€™t have any reptillian, amphibian, or bird-like races, so it would be intersting to see one.
:lizard: :frog: :bird:


I mean I hope so.

Not much is interesting me about WoW atm.

And donā€™t you forget it. I love punting people off edges with it. So funny too because people take it so personally even if they donā€™t die from it (like getting punted off the edge in bastion). Iā€™ve had people follow me around a whole zone because of how butthurt they got.

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Nah, nah, nah. Void Humans. Calling it now. With a horse mount.

While I personally donā€™t see it happening, anything is possible. If they include allied races in 9.1, I feel that their would be more likely to be non Shadowland races.

Horde possible options would be Ogres, Sethrak, and Sanā€™layn. I canā€™t think of any for the Alliance.

Sadly, its going to either be the Venthyr vs. Kyrian or Night Fae vs. venthyr.

But this is Hearthstone :sob:

and? hearthstone revealed tortollan before BFA did hearthstone is created by citizens of azeroth

Well I hope you are right, I guess in a few days we will find outā€¦ because would be pretty awesome.

Just as awesome as you :wink:

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Hordeā€™ll probably get Ogres.

Alliance will probably get lepergnomes or some damn thing.