Any allied races going to be announced at blizcon?

There are so many more things they could spend resources on than more allied races. I hope there are never any more allied races.


I think there’s a solid chance but I doubt it for this blizcon.

Willing to bet though that we’ll get new races in some form by the end of Shadowlands.

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Well, I challenge Blizzard to figure out how to do both. It’s not like they can’t afford it.

This would be worth it just to see the reaction on the forum.

No. Just another variation of human. Like Kul’tirans.


The dream right here. Armor doesn’t even need to fit on em perfectly.


Hopefully no.

Void Elf preternatural calm makes them one of the most powerful races for any caster class, and they have a mobility racial on top of it. Kul Tirans have a knockback for a racial ability!

What does the Horde’s Allied Races have by comparison? Only the Zandalari really seem to have decent racials out of them.

Dude, we get it, you play horde.

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I can see it now. They’ll use the Blood Elf model too, just with regular human sized ears.

Well of course I play Horde. Who buys a game and only plays half of it? I main Alliance though. The racials for our Allied Races are the only thing most of them have going for them. They’re not what we wanted as far as races go (well, for me at least), but the racials are good.


Then cool it. Complaining about racials is annoying enough, when it’s complaining about alliance racials being “op” it’s both annoying and sad.

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Was I complaining about our racials? I disagreed with a poster who said our Allied Races had horrible racials. I pointed out that isn’t the case. I never said they were too good and needed to be nerfed.

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He wasn’t complaining about anything…


I hope not, we already got so many Allied Races, and I am all out of room on the account with Shadowlands purchased.

(pls increase character cap to 100)

What I do wish to see is Heritage for the races that didn’t get theirs yet. /me glares at Humans, Undead, Night-Elf, Troll, Draenei and Orc.

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Sylvar: “We will invade when they least expect it…Operation: invasive species…is a go!”

I want to play a Venthyr Necromancer

Make it happen Blizzard.


I doubt it… there are no races in shadowlands that would be viable for a playable race i think? only new races in shadowlands atm are races tied to the shadowlands…

That’s unless they are allowed to leave the shadowlands and aren’t bound to it, so then sign me up to be a Night Fae Sylvar.

Ethereals should join the alliance imo

all i want, is one pretty or cute horde druid race. i have been hoping they add one for 15 years. ugh.


I really hope so, I dream of Tuskarr becoming playable and Wildhammer Clan getting an official Allied Race treatment like the Dark Irons…

In reality I’ll take anything, I’d love Sethrak, San’lyn, Ogres aswell and seem to have quite the popularity of being asked for on the forums.

I just want that fresh feel, leveling a new Alt, new Heritage Armour.

But who wouldn’t wanna be a loveable Tuskarr :heart: