Any allied races going to be announced at blizcon?

I think Tuskarr would pair great with Ogres :grin:

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Nah, not ridiculous enough for Alliance.

How do you top diapergnomes with Tuskar? :smiley:

naga* + ogres

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Hey in all honesty I’d take anything fresh and new just give them to me haha

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i want cat people


Hope not, that felt more like a BfA feature considering faction war and such each side needed more allies. I rather they sink time into making a real race again with their own proper zone, city, etc.

and bunny girls liek ffxiv, in ffxiv they get bunny girls who only wear thongs

I mean technically we got those already, skimpy cloth + spring circlet :ok_hand:

and they got bunny tails and carrot

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I’m not expecting any, and I’m not a fan of the current potential options.

So, if there were to be AR’s for 9.1 they’d need to be “new” IMHO

or from previous content like the Sethrak. :snake: Give me playable snake bois!


I’m hoping they announce the covenant races will become playable! I’d love to play a sylvar!

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I can die happy when Sethrak are finally playable.

I need them. :snake:


Unless they’re willing to undermine their own Covenant system and just open the flood gates to a non-existant army of Horde and Alliance pouring into SLs, I don’t see how you can fit them in.

If they do I hope they up the max cap for the accounts. I am dangerously close to 50 right now as it is.

That said, I would really love a Taunka or Yangol. Or both.


I’ll take more content over new races. We have enough playable races.


If they do add any allied races, I seriously doubt it’s going to be anything from SLs.

And since we’re not working with any races outside of the SLs, I doubt there is going to be any such announcement. We’ll probably have to wait for the next xpac to get a new race and/or class.

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I don’t expect any allied races this expansion. If they do it would be nice to see gilgoblins playabale.

Why would they be announcing more features from the previous expansion?

I dream of a Nightborne/Night Elf rework. considering if we get ARs like BFA, the Alliance’s going to get the Spriggan from Ardenweald (Though their dance is hilarious) and the Horde the Venthyr.

I’d rather have my favorite races be updated.

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