Answer to dualspec

So I am currently listening to jedidiahtan podcast with this guy zirene.

I find his answer to dualspec really good and I think blizzard should think about this.

Do not add dual spec. Basicly, you have your spec. You can respect however you want. So if you want to min/max in raid you can heart to sw or org and pay to respect for a certain fight.

What I find brilliant tho, is what he said. Add a dualspec but one for pvp and one for pve.

So basicly, you can go to a battleground officer or arena officer and buy a PvP spec. That talent tree can then be modified with the battleground officer or arena officer (same as respect) but you cannot switch to that spec. The spec automaticly activate when entering a BG or an Arena.

I found this a really interesting way to look at the dual spec problem that some are asking for TBC, without killing the TBC hype for those who dont want dual spec.

What are your thoughs?


while it is a nice alternative, i dont think that Blizzard is gonna change anything regarding dualspecc, and if they end up actualy doing it, my guess would be they go the lazy route with Wotlk style.


That’d be the version I prefer.


Ya know what players who don’t want dual spec can do? Not get dual spec. Simple.


gO tO rEtAiL

Having a swappable in-raid dualspec will kill the experience.


Herr durr…

Some would say the same about character boosts. But I promise you, it wont.

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A dual spec for PVE/PVP just assumes you PVP. What is the difference in just HAVING a true dual spec so you can choose what to use your second slot for?

For me I will use

  • Pally - 1 Prot, 2 Ret?
  • Shammy - 1 Resto, 2 DPS
  • Druid (they need more than 2 honestly :stuck_out_tongue: ) - 1 Rest, 2 DPS, 3 Bear :slight_smile:

So on and so forth. I know there is a group of people that look down on those who do not PVP, but there are lots of us who simply want the ability to PVE in a spec we choose without having to go broke every week.

TLDR - There is no difference to normal dual spec compared to a PVE/PVP dual spec. Except the latter excludes those who seldom PVP from getting full benefit from it.

The character boosts won’t have an individual effect, but they will have a server-wide effect as so many people boosting alts to have professions will change the experience.

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Yes, there is.

There is NO personal loot in TBC.

Loot distribution will be bad.

That is not in any way the fault of a dual spec system, but of the group you run with!

Dual spec existed BEFORE personal loot systems and we did ok.

Invalid excuse to limit non PVP players.


I think that the type of people who use alts for professions, probably had no issue levelling them in classic - I already have all the professions covered on alts leveled at least to 35. I think you will find that while there will be some of that (at most 1 per account), I think the majority of boosts will be likely retail players who want in on TBC but don’t want to be bothered starting at lvl 1.

How does it limit non-PVP players?

As in my example, the second spec cant be activated manually and only works in arenas and BG. Therefor, non-PVP players and PVP players only have 1 spec during outdoor questing and raids.

Your argument is invalid.

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That is a second spec!! Only to those who perform THESE activities.

Your counter argument is invalid. . But you knew that.

Enjoy your pvp bro. Whatever makes you feel good.

Dude you dont get the point just leave.

But I’m a good guy and I’ll explain it to you.

Having 2 PvE spec hotswappable whenever one pleases will, IMO, kill the TBC experience.

The only reason I would want a PvP and PvE spec is just that the talents arent the same. BM PvE talents are not the same as BM PvP talents. Do you follow me here??

Dude, first chill. Stop with the just leave crap.

Second, it’s not Hot swappable. Never has been. And it won’t KILL TBC. IMO.

You are wanting something for PVP only. That is the crux of this. And that is fine for you to want. But when you get pushback from those who don’t participate in PVP don’t get your shorts in a bunch.

We do NOT have a dualspec at this point. It’s not been announced and if we do it should be for EVERY player and not just PVPers.

And I will leave your post now. I have shared my thoughts.


You lost me at this honestly… This is the dumbest thing people say on this forum. You make yourself look like a fool in that you can’t argue your point so you go to personal attacks and thus invalidate yourself. It’s sad really…

This makes absolutely no sense at all… how does loot distribution have anything to do with your spec? Have you heard of MS / OS before? Do you think classes like druids and paladins now don’t roll on things other than the role you want them to be in? Of all the arguments ive seen against Dual Spec this has to be the dumbest…


So what is your argument for having dualspec?

a) You took the wrong turn into a wrong topic.

No, u?


I think you took a wrong turn inside your own brain because your response made no sense.

I would suggest maybe looking at the other 100 threads on this topic instead of starting your own that says nothing original and you might find a ton of my posts on this with full data and evidence to back it up and not just hyerbole.


Yes, it is currently on retail.
I don’t think we speak the same language my dear Dwarf. I am sorry to have offended you.

You do not even try to understand me. So there is no point for you being here, is what I wanted to say politely.