Answer to dualspec

Literally NO ONE is asking for the retail system… they are asking for WotLK system which is 2 specs, same talent trees as TBC had, and require you to be in a rested area for it.


You literally brought the #noboost argument to a dualspec post.

That was my point.

I didn’t bring up the boost argument, this guy did:

Some would say the same about character boosts. But I promise you, it wont.

I merely responded to it.

Ahhh. That’s on me.

Sorry my friend. I take it back then.

I am not allowed to switch my Arms Warrior to Prot or my SPriest to Disc for daily dungeons then.

it will have little to no effect on the economy except by finding more people who have the patterns or recipes off Cooldown. More people with recipe = Lower prices

Same demand with More CD available = Lower Price
Same Demand with less CD available = Higher Price

So honestly the supposed worries that Boosted characters is gonna some how ruin an already busted economy is invalid. There is no correlation between character boosts and the market crashing.

The big difference in experience from then and now is knowledge of in game items, boss fights, etc, you will never be able to experience a 100% true to form classic tbc due to the knowledge of the game being every where. Remember this is not a new X-Pack this is a repack and that’s it. The point of the remasters is to let the player base experience the story and dungeons of older content with everyone being on the same level and it not being cheese runs where a single person can go threw and mass pull and one shot 10 or 25 man bosses and all the mobs in that instance. This is basically a redo for players who where around during the expansion. it gives them a chance to redo their play threw in a different way with little to no mistakes given they now have the knowledge readily available to them. I admit the first time I personally went threw each xpack i made mistakes that costed me in one way or another and now that i have the knowledge of what not to do i can now get further in each xpack then i did previously.

Thirdly we are getting off topic this post is about dual spec, as far as I am concerned Dual Specing existed well before the actual system itself the only difference was you had one spec active and if you wanted to reroll then you went and paid for it. That being said i dont like the current dual/tri/quad specing that exists in retail so personally if dual speccing is a thing that will be coming then id personally would like to see the WoTLK/Cata version of dual specing.

There will be way more people gathering than there were before, not just alchemy cooldowns, and you thinking that lower prices is always better is fallacy. You don’t like retail dual spec because you don’t like retail specs in general, because retail butchered the talent system.

Fallacy you say, lower prices is always better, especially for the casual player base, but i would entertain you idea that it is fallacy if you can produce a valid rebuttal, that is not your own biased thoughts on the matter. Show us the data.

Show us the data that lower prices are always better? You made the claim that it was better, I simply claimed that it was different, and then disputed your unproven claim that the form of different would necessarily be better.

15 years of hindsight will change the experience.

Want a special spec for PvP? Go play retail!

Funny how the changes you want are ok, but anything beyond that is blasphemy.


I’m not against dual spec, don’t get me wrong, but I am not necessarily for boosts. They will actually have a large effect on server economies.

Terrible idea. This game is an MMORPG. Character progression is very meaningful and picking a spec that you focus on is part of the RPG element. Being able to switch to whatever, whenever makes no sense. Gold doesnt stop people from switching specs. If someone wants to focus on PvP they should. Why do we have to make pve/pvp/farming so convenient for them?

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Because people having fun playing the game is what keeps the game population healthy. People who can play like sweaty ridiculous optimizers who respec for individual fights can already do that in TBC with the way summons work. The people who want dual spec want to be able to spec back and forth for different tasks without feeling like they have to spend X amount of time in a spec to “make it worth it”.

People like you existed before dual-spec was even a thing and was being asked for on the forums. Guess what? Your side lost and WotLK, widely considered to be the best time in WoW’s history, was better for it.

This is a pretty dumb idea. Idc if they add dual spec but it can either be added or not. We don’t need this dumb idea here lol.

The raid experience got killed by the meta crowd already.


Ah i see, you must be a student of political reasoning and answering. For you still did not form a rebuttal that in any way confirmed your biased thoughts, but instead redirected the topic back to myself. Well played, but alas let me lay some enlightenment on you. Lower prices levels the playing field to a degree that casual players can be involved. While this does allow those who have a higher economic status to buy more product it also allows the “casual” player base the opportunity to purchase product as well without having some outrageous buyout price. How might I be so bold to ask is this not a good thing? i will agree to a degree that an oversaturated market is a bad thing as well being at that point it would be better to just vendor items that have a vendor price but for the most part this will not happen atleast until WoD where garrison herbing and mining became unrestricted to those without the skills. But an oversaturated market in TBC will be a long long time coming. And by the time it becomes oversaturated with mats the gear that those makes use will be worthless in the current raid tier.

Prices are dictated by players, lower prices does not just mean people can buy more, it also means people get less for what they sell. You’re talking as though people get some sort of gold stipend, but people trade gold with each other in order to get what they need. Oversaturation of gathering will mean more mats available, which will mean farming becomes less valuable to a player, as their time nets them less gold value in items. This makes playing the AH or botting for hard-gold more lucrative, as competition for the items people actually need for what they want to do becomes so much harder. More botting makes this problem even worse.

I swear you can read mind … I came up with the same idea a while ago… That would be a great addition to the game that really won’t have the downsides of WOTLK dual spec. Although it requires a little bit of coding, which I am not sure Blizzard is will to do at this point …

The issue with PVE/PVE or PVP/PVP dual spec is that it damages spec identity. If you choose to be a prot warrior in PVE, you ll have to pay the cost if you want to change your identity and become a fury warrior in PVE. but at the same time, as a prot warrior in PVE you should be able to do PVP with no extra cost as there is no identity sharing between PVE and PVP… apples and oranges…

Daily quests are added to make respec cost easy.

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