Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad

Do you have this stored in a notepad somewhere and toy just copy and paste it in every thread without talking to the points brought up in the thread. I’m fairly certain this is the equivalent to “too long, didn’t listen”.

They did a faithful recreation of vanilla wow too, but a lot of people weren’t happy with that. They didn’t like the spell batching system, the world buff meta, the in-game boosting system with how xp works.

So blizzard is taking lessons learn on how the community has changed over the years and how unpolished their games were since at the time people didn’t take advantage of features they didn’t realize were there.

So boosts aside, blizz is “balancing” paladins (not faithful), removing spell batching (not faithful), changing drums in some way (not faithful), allowing tbc racss in prepatch (not faithful), using the modern lfg ui instead of the old (not faithful and honestly vastly superior)

So the term “faithful” is subjective here. Now if you’re argument is “well those are okay because of balance and we need that but no dual spec that’s not faithful” then that’s your opinion. Which brings us to why we are having this debate in the first place.

People are making their case to blizzard and its up to blizzard to decide. But it is a feature a large group of people want blizz to add. Evidence from outside these forums show that to be the case. You have popular Twitter and YouTube wow personalities doing polls of some 20k players with a majority (not 51% either, more in the 70-80% range) wanting dual spec. You have the poll that was made here on the forums that show they want it. The threads on both classic subreddits have a ton of up votes and support in them (and you know those subs are notorious for people downvoting so to have a positive score you need more up voters than down and them some).

Then for the anecdotal evidence of every person I’ve spoken to in game and out have said they want this feature. This is from my guild, dungeon pugs, and open world elite quest pugs.