Dual spec TBC

I don’t think I ever had that much during all of TBC… 10k is a bit much.

After talking to multiple people about dual spec in BC, here is my stance on the topic. I’d say:

  1. Yes to dual spec, if it provides a way to have one PVE spec (only useable in PVE) and one PVP spec (only useable in PVP).

  2. No to dual spec, if it provides a way to have 2 PVE or 2 PVP specs simply because it damages spec identity


May i ask why you would want Blizzard to invent a new system, as opposed to using one that is already used and liked by the community (the wrath version of Dual Spec).

And if your argument is spec identify, wouldn’t that also make changing your spec in PVP changing your identify? I.E. you are a PVE Holy paladin, and a PVP Ret Paladin?

If your argument is also “well this game can be split into 2, a PVE environment of raiding / dungeons / etc, and BGs and arenas” then can’t the same argument be made of… PVE is split into 2 environments… raiding / dungeons / heroics… and solo questing / dailies / etc? Clearly Raiding and doing Dailies cannot be considered the same tier of content.

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And I’m 100% on that list give us dual spec please.

I’ve heard the arguments and I just think they’re silly.

1 We need a gold sank for all the people that have a ton of gold.

Doesn’t work If I have hundreds of thousands of gold why do I even need to respect to begin with and that’s not going to bother me if I do.

It’s only going to hurt the people that don’t have a ton of money.

2 Wasn’t in the game originally so it shouldn’t be and there now.

I’m sorry this is stupid I played back then I can say a lot of people would have loved that in the game let alone we’ve seen the consequences of what no changes can bring.

Spell batching, And the original pvp system Are 2 really big ones.

So yeah Some changes are fine and I think dual spec is one of them it doesn’t kill The burning crusade.

3 It destroys class identity

OK 1st off it’s not class Identity Spec identity is really what you’re talking about

Let alone I think this is silly and a lot of people I’m sure would agree if I’m a Arms Warrior Or a fury Warrior guess what I’m still a Warrior.

This doesn’t destroy the class fantasy OK it doesn’t On top of that you can still say you’re a main ret paladin, Or a main shadow priest.

Thus the term main spak, And you can be off spec of something else So again I’m sorry I just think that silly.

Anyway I say #DualSpec in tbc

Tanks would disagree with this, theres only 2 tank spots to fill so this forces me to go heal or dps but i want to tank 5 mans but i dont want to be bothered to switch spec everyday to do so. how bout we just let hybrids have dual spec since only they are the ones who actually need it hmm?

Well consider day 1 raiding. You have a 25 man roster for your raids but you don’t need 4 tanks… You have your raid split into 2 for Kara… That needs 2 tanks each… So between raids someone will be respeccing. So in this scenario you can’t really have someone be in a hybrid spec.

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Raid healer says yes to dual spec.

#nochanges was always a pipe dream with servers three times the size of vanilla.

Yep, I believe PVP and PVE are 2 in 1 type of game. Total different animals. Apples and oranges. So no spec identity sharing between the 2.

And No, PVE is when you play against environments, doesn’t matter if it’s dungeon or raid, heroics or normal.

In PVE if you are a fury warrior, You are a fury warrior. And if you want to change your identity to prot for example you gotta pay the 50g. Same as in PVP if you are shadow priest, You are shadow priest, and if You want to change your identity to disc priest You gotta pay the cost.

However, you should be able to play both of these games, PvP and PVE without an extra cost, as You are not changing your identity, You are basically changing your game. Like to me you shouldn’t be forced to pay extra, if you wanna be a prot warrior in PVE and an arms warrior in PVP, but you should be charged if you sometimes want to be a fury warrior in PVE and and sometimes a prot warrior in PVE…

Isn’t the main difference between retail and vanilla wow the way class identify is defined?

In retail, you aren’t a mage… You are a frost mage… Or a fire mage… Or an arcane mage… And you have (until recently albeit not to any real extent) no access to spells from the other specs. Sure a frost mage has fire ball but the spec plays completely differently.

In classic and tbc… You are a mage… You have access to frost, fire, and arcane spells… Your choice of talents define which of your spells you’ll use more… And sure some of the talent specific buffs / spells you won’t have if you focus in one tree or the other. But you have the freedom to spend those talents however you want.

So I fundamentally disagree with your argument of spec identify because in a sense your argument is more for the retail version of spec identify as opposed to class identify. Now I don’t want to confuse that with class/spec FANTASY as I believe those are different concepts entirely.

You aren’t completely locked out of other trees in retail you are locked out key spells, which is functionally how specs work in classic anyways. Especially since most people end up going for 30+ in one tree.

Actually it would be real interesting if you didn’t have to spec down a tree to get to end tier talents.

Sorry I don’t really play retail much, so I am not following you on that … it’s not really about the spec purity or hybrid, it’s about whatever the spec you have, you are identified as that… like warlock has a popular build in BC name SL/SL which is a hybrid of affli and demo. So if You play SL/SL warlock that’s your identity in PVP… and if You want to change that into something else in PVP, like deep affli or destruction build, You should pay for the change of identity respec… but if You want to PVE, you shouldn’t be forced to play SL/SL or pay for a respec …

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Except you don’t need two specced tanks for kara. One dedicated tank with a feral/fury/ret OT will be fine.

Seal of Blood / Vengeance is a faction balance issue, which was something that is in-line with TBC goals (hence shamans/paladins shared). Dual Spec has nothing to do with the goals of the xpac just as all the inconveniences in-line with what Classic worked for in its day.

They’re not going to add large over-conveniences such as Dual spec vs something smaller that will change a customer’s choice of ally or horde based on faction balance.

I hope they do #DualSpec in tbc Copy and pasted right from wrath of the lich king

You must not raid because consumes cost a fortune. And anything else you might want to buy.

I’d have to disagree. PVP and PVE are entirely different, people should at least be able to switch to that. For example, having better CC or burst might be better in PVP, but useless in raids. Pimping yourself out for arena would look totally different for PVE, and you’d have to make a new character just for PVP.

Not to mention specs and what is currently meta can change very dynamically.

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Consumes in tbc are also a joke.
Literally just play the game and stop raidlogging for a week at a time

This would be a simple fix by only allowing you to change specs in a major city, which wouldnt affect the “raiding meta” because it would take too much time to go back to town and switch specs and come back all the time. there are options to make it work for everyone.

yes dual spec thx