Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

Watch, the only thing that is unfinished is the compass model, and this cinematic is actually just everyone staring awkwardly with creepy ambient music.


I’ve looked into the matter the Spells that damaged the Soul directly are Soul Strike(preformed by the Felguard) and Soul Drain.

Shadow Bolt on the other hand simply has the flavor text: “May darkness take you, for when I’m done, the Light will not recognize you.”

Not much to go on to say the least. The WoW Website says Demonology Warlocks use Soul Shards to tap into the Void to reach into the Twisting Nether

Probably the same guys who embarrassed you.

I’m embarrassed? Lol

I am correct in all those comments so here we are I guess lol


Is it sad that I might find that more interesting to watch than most of the other cinematics this expansion?


Stop giving me hope that we’ll get a few expansions without Anduin. Imagine giving Turalyon, Lord Commander of the Alliance, Regent of Stormwind and High Exarch of the Army of the Light a free hand to crusade across Azeroth without the golden boy enlightening everyone with the profound knowledge that war is bad.



Almost all uwu

Nobody gets embarrassed when lore speculation theories are wrong tho, y’all weird lol

Plus multiple alts to harass me and lore in threads? Get a life lol

But why say you were correct in all of those comments? Just take the L.

Sure I was wrong in some of my theories, I already said that :slight_smile: Anything else?

I just don’t get why you didn’t just say that instead of trying to be smug.

Is just embarrassing to type when something so wrong is right in front of you.

Says the person hiding behind two alts harassing me and a friend

Have a blessed evening, blocking both of your alts now


And now you’re trying to deflect when called out. Also, you have no idea who I am. I am certainly not who you think.

This dude straight up went into a thread with his dumb “research” and tried to shut down everyone who said Elune was the Queen’s sister with his pseudo intellectual arguments and got exposed hard. EMBARRASSING!

I thought it was Eonar too. I was wrong.

edit: hey look at that I didn’t spontaneously combust


So who is Elune to the Winter Queen?

They were in the same sorority in college.

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Even that storyline can be engaging. Look at the death knight starter zone. But Blizzard can’t be bothered to show a meaningful consequence. All he’s done so far is stab Kyrestia (who’s still alive and able bodied), and steal some keys that I think can be remade.


The clichĂ© storytelling that this cutscene and its name implies
 can’t say I didn’t see it coming.

I’m calling it now. Anduin’s mind-control is a plot device to keep him away from Azeroth for a while so we can get back and have a tyrannical Turalyon do some batsh*t crazy light stuff.

If this wasn’t where the story was headed and they actually wanted to make this new mind-controlled Anduin an interesting subplot, he would’ve done more than stab Kyrestia.
