Anduin's cutscene SPOILER

As expect Anduin is possibly pulling a Varian is possibly going away for a few years. The how and why is still a mystery.


Whose funeral are they all attending?

Even Sylvanas(who has a new Model that isn’t available ingame) is interested it seems!..of course the fact that Sylvanas’s model is inaccessible may or may not indicate the Good Side of Sylvanas is the one attending the Funeral

What if the missing half of Sylvanas is saved & brought back as Ranger General Sylvanas while Banshee Queen Sylvanas is killed and given a funeral?

Banshee Queen Sylvanas getting a funeral would naturally mean a Redemption Equals Death scenario regardless of whether or not her other half comes back as Ranger General Sylvanas…


Why would they give that genocider a funeral


If you’re referring to the screenshots, it’s not a funeral, they are looking at the Compass Varian left behind in Legion.


It’s the compass? What’s it doing on that stone table? The fact that Sylvanas is there on the other side makes it look as if she invited her enemies personally to the event in order to introduce Anduin’s corrupted form to them(as if they needed another invitation)!

The cube on the pedestal is the placeholder for the compass. There is another cube just offscreen visible in the first screenshot, which appears to be Sylvanas. I suspect it is Sylvanas’ body, and Anduin is looking down at it, suggesting that he may get the killing blow (which of course would mean that Zovaal gets the killing blow)

Whether or not Anduin and Sylvanas are actually there or not is unknown, because there’s some ghostly effects that suggest it may be an apparition.

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From Wowhead:
" As the cutscene is named Anduin’s Goodbye, it is unknown what happens with Anduin, but a couple of speculations can be made. As Anduin first shows up as translucent and retains a spectral spell effect, it can be speculated that this is not Anduin himself, but an echo of him, which could mean this is a memory left in the compass."

Anduin was never my favourite character, but ngl, I’d hate to lose him.


What’s the implication that this is post raid? If so, that’s implying Blizzard is making another Sylvanas model for after the raid.

If anyone genuinely believed we’d be rescuing Anduin in 9.1, not sure what to tell them? It was also pretty apparent that Sylvie effectively “Trained her own replacement” at Z-Corp, and thus her worth had decreased exponentially. She’s the expendable one, Anduin in his Wallace’s Wrong Trousers is less so. Not surprising.


It’s pretty sad, but that’s fine. Sometimes stories make you sad and that’s part of what makes them emotionally fulfilling, a fact that sometimes it feels like everyone on this forum has forgotten.

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At some point he will not just be the young, flawless king who only fights for justice. The jailer has penetrated his mind too deeply for that.

© google-translate of

So, I would rather not get high any hopes of beeing free of Anduin or his influence.
Him coming back is pretty much a guarantee as far as I can tell.

gl hf


the full cinematic is out without dialogue looks like both anduin and sylvanas are dead

Cutscene appears on YouTube…

May infact be the Cutscene that shows us Sylvanas converting Anduin into a Death Knight…

She is definitely facing him that way. If so then it is showing us Sylvanas’s last goodbye to Anduin as she turns him into a Death Knight…

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Where do you get that from the cutscene?

when they fade out

That seems more like whatever projection we were seeing fading.


Looks like this is a “memory” of the follow up to the Sylvanas cosplaying Arthas.

I wish it would be possible to donate him to the horde. He might relate to the forsaken :eyes:

gl hf

Then they are dead or why would be seeing a projection

Because we are looking at a recording?.. Objects in WoW normally hold memories to permit someone to look at past events.

One winged Kyrian even got his Memories back because of this rule.

Memories that affixed themselves to objects are easier to return to their owner than Memories shoved in Bastion’s Archives as once that is done they are incapable of returning to their owner and become their own distinct Elemental willing to kill whoever attempts to reclaim them!


when are they gonna kiss