Anduin should be gay

I always thought Anduin and Wrathion were supposed to be like Johnny Quest and Hadji. Makes sense with Wrathion’s turban in cataclysm.

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But he’s very worldly…

No, he needs to knock Taelia up for the future of the kingdom, pronto.

How dare you demand someone endures rectal trauma for your own selfish desires. People are weird.


No. I’m new to the game so I’m not 100% sure who this character even is, but I can’t stand when they take characters who were accepted as straight and make them gay. Even as a lesbian, it annoys the crap out of me.

Make new characters if you really want a gay character. Though I’m also annoyed that suddenly we’re popping up everywhere. Going by current media, you’d think we were half the population. We’re not and that’s ok.


Anduin, King of Stormwind,Alliance faction leader guy

The blond human?

Well, he does kinda look gay with that hair.

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:grin: yeah,that one.

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Same post, different day.

It seems that when one of your threads dies out it’s time to pseudo-necro it.


You think that just because he was intellectualizing with Wrathion makes him gay or LGBTQxyz123? I don’t think that many end up meeting a Black dragon that doesn’t want to kill you on sight, so you may want to ask it a whole lot of deep questions. Anduin also found female Draenei quite attractive. I would like to see him hook up with Yrel, and show her some temperance, since they both prefer peace, but she’s a radical about it.

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Why do you care about the orientation of a video game character?

Pretty sure I don’t want to see that in a game.


Alright, who let the Overwatch morons in here?


“Who gives a sh#t”
Proceeds to flag

The ironing

Or how about you chuck a good handful of your 10 million dollars towards some lgbt charities and causes if you care so much eyyyyy? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Edit: you know what? Nevermind. I’m just going to get accused of ridiculous things because I care about things that I believe is much more dire.

Possibly cancelled.

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Why isn’t sylvannas gay? I want to see her hook up with some queen in shadowlands.


OK, Netflix.


Attacking me personally and yet somehow you’re supposed to be the good guy.

Hey Ralph, how about you get on your main and stop hiding behind an alt? Or did enough people get sick of you and gave that main a time out?

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: What?

Personality =/= sexual orientation