Anduin should be gay

I’ve never bothered to reach many stories throughout the world, I’d just like to see more intertwined love stories including lgbt. There’s many characters I’d love to see have a love story!

and you got Shaw and Flynn

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Well i admit romance is plausible in their case. After reading the book it seems to early to ship them. A friendship is definitely starting that could lead further.

But in the wow universe they haven’t really been around eachother that long. Let them be friends for a few months or years in wow first before they start shagging.

Theres one quest of them working together in bfa. So a few days maybe. And like 2 weeks of time in the book. Shaw is the spy master he didn’t spend all of bfa with flynn.


I was playing outer worlds recently. I found Parvati and Junlei’s romance miles better than Shaw and Flynn.

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I hope you find another game to ruin and leave ours alone.


We need more love in the world (of warcraft) not hate :rainbow_flag: :rainbow:


We kill people for a handful of silver and copper coins and go to war against the other faction all the time. Hate is what makes this game keep going.


What head cannon and mental gymnastics did you go through to arrive that “he’s kinda already showing signs of being LGBT”?


Why? Because he doesn’t fit the hyper masculine stereotype?

One couple that actually does make some sense is Thassarian and Koltira. Those two at least have a deep emotional connection. I hate it when people try to shoehorn in characters to check a box when there are ones that make a ton more sense.

Or the Nelf/Tauren Druid couple in that one dungeon in the Barrens. I can’t think of their names.


go write a fanfiction they are very popular these days with the shipping community

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Time for the stamp.

exactly when i go up to a charcter with a quest im thinking to myself, “aight whos my target” not “hey anduin buddy old pal old chum old friend, who you shacking?”


Are less masculine men not allowed to be straight?


Anduin didn’t have the fantasy you are referring to. I assume you are referring to wrathion. Wrathion was the first teenage male friend anduin ever had. But that doesn’t make him gay.

Keep in mind anduin never expresses sexual interest in wrathion. Anduin states wrathions interesting as the only none corrupted black dragon. But anduin tells us not to trust wrathion.

Wrathion backstabs anduin and us twice. Anduins first response to wrathion is to punch him full force well wearing a plate gauntlet. They aren’t even friends now.

Consider anduin as a royal child spent much of his time isolated. He probably doesn’t even have a real friend. Closest friends he has are baine and valeera.

He lost his mom as a baby. And has had multiple male father figures/mentors. Half of which are now dead. His mother figures have been jaina and valeera.

Anduins been saddled with more responsibilities then any 19 year old ever should. And seems to be on the brink of a mental break from stress.

He’s had no chance to gain release. Search for meaning. To grieve. Or even try to persue love.

And he’s straight told gen he has no romantic feelings for anyone and doesn’t have time to.

He has only ever reacted to 2 women. His first crush was a dwarf that died in a cave in. And he got a reaction down under from a skimpy dressed dreanei girl casting spells thats it.

People are making fan fics and reaching.


It’s alarming that you think gay men aren’t “manly” (whatever the hell that means - does manly mean ignorant?), but more alarming that your post has so many likes. There is nothing wrong with being gay. Why the hell is this still a thing in 2020?


Maybe Anduin is into that sort of thing.

So you date Wrathion.

Right? I can honestly say I never once questioned who or what they were doing in their bedroom.

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so sick of this :rofl:


objectification of man.


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