Anduin should be gay

Nope straight as far as we know. He loves dreanei and dwarf girls.


Again, he isn’t?

Accept it he straight.

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Characters of the same gender aren’t allowed to just be friends!



So Baine should be gay got moved to Story Forum, yet this one hasn’t.

LOL Okay :rofl:

Trash moderators.


You can get banned for the dumbest reasons so watching what you say doesn’t really do any thing. Especially if you have people that may not like you. I say some pretty messed up things & it’s never those things that get flagged or get me banned. It’s thing like making observations about peoples in game waifu’s boobs in a topic specifically about in game npc boobs. Or pointing out an in game funeral that was raided by the opposing faction when a WoW player tragically passed away years ago when the topic was about WoW players who have passed away.

Clearly people care or these threads wouldn’t exist.

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Not all fics are M rated.

That’s true of many things.

Religion. Politics. Views about a show. entire game genres. You get the picture.

Present your views, then politely drop the topic. If they agree, all is good. If they disagree, they’ve still heard what you have to say.

If you keep pushing, they’ll simply push right back and they’ll never listen to you if that happens.

Yet lawsuits have erupted over this same topic.

If you think sexuality is political, than your probably an idiot


That is not how royal succession works and it would lead to a power struggle and claims to the throne. King dies = Blood heir required

Monarchies are not about flexibility.

That’s what kinda puts me on edge. I have no idea if it’s the choice in mods or what, but as of right now, I’m walking on eggshells, hoping that me saying “I hope there’s no recycled models or animations in shadowlands” doesn’t get me a third strike.

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Except that many have made it political. That’s the problem. Many HAVE turned it from a simple issue of sexual preference to being all about politic power.

It won’t be the first group that has lost their way. Push for rights, get a taste of power, get drunk on the power, and then forget what you were fighting for.

Its not the sexuality that is Political, but that people USE it as an Excuse to gain Power.

“Gays need more rights. We’ll gain attention, gather funds, push congress to make changes. they didn’t listen, we need to get more people under our belt so they’ll listen. more fundraising, more power, ooh, power, more fundraising, more power … what were we pushing for?”

That has happened in many areas repeatedly. People get drunk on the power and forget their cause.


Yikes, dude. Just… yikes.


That’s the kind of era we live in, where everything is made into a political issue for some reason.

If a guy likes guys, let it be.

I just imagined, what if Trump comes out tomorrow and says he’s into guys lol


And once they have political power, they have the power to FORCE it on everyone. Which is the fastest way to get people to rebel. It doesn’t matter if what you’re trying to push is good, if you FORCE it, people will rebel.

That’s human instinct.

People can’t even respectively disagree with the lifestyle or not get involved in it without being called “Homophobic” anymore. It’s an all or nothing world now.

“I have an issue with this group of people.”

“HOMOPHOBE!” (or the like)

They use IST and PHOBE as weapons to attack anyone they disagree with, rather that looking at the genuine issue.

And once a person is attacked, their genuine concern which should be addressed is typically forgotten.


His opponents would say that he’s just trying to steal the gay vote and not listen to a word he said. Even if he did have a positive message and that was just the start of what he had to say.

Same thing would be true if Biden said something similar. His opponents would attack him and not listen to his message.

They’d refuse to listen, because they’ve already made a decision, and not even the Creator of all of Existence can change their mind.

Not just politics where that happens, people get fervent about something and refuse to listen to anything that contradicts it.

EDIT: “Don’t confuse me with the Facts!” is the old line used to describe people like this.

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