Anduin should be gay

I was referring to your statistics.

I thought he was gay.

He very well could be. Until it’s set in stone in the story that he is straight it’s open to suggest that he could possibly be lgbt.

As pointed out again. He could be bi but theres no evidence to support it.

And as a king he is required to have hiers as stated in before the storm book by gen and anduin himself. As a king he is not free but bound by the laws of his kingship.

And it must be a human noble women of child bearing age or of high social status. He lives in a fuedal fantasy society.

Rules can be changed. Just look at how everything’s changed under Sylvanas leadership. I’d say nothings out of the realm of possibilities here.

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Except we already know in the kingdom of sw the king must keep the nobles happy. Hence gen and anduins talk. Adopting someone would not be acceptable to the nobles leading to civil war and a grab for the crown.

The lore has been set. Anduin can’t be king if he doesn’t follow the laws of his world.

Sylvies a dictator anduins not.

Yeah, Wrathion comes off as gay.

… what the? How and why. Whats your evidence? And how is that important to the story?

Assuming you’re talking to me, I really don’t have any evidence. he just does. Then again, there was no indication of Tracer from Overwatch being a lesbian, and they pulled a J.K. Rowling on that.

As for how it’s important to the story: not at all really. He just comes off as gay. Almost, like, super gay. We’re talking boarderline Milo yiannopoulos gay.

When you make it your identity.

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How in the name of god do these treads not get removed

because it’s literally part of the game now, and to do so would be homophobic.

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And yet these threads just fall into some really obnoxious stuff

Also you know what is as uncomfortable as telling gay people they should be straight?

Telling straight people they should be gay


Um, he isn’t?

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No it’s just front page fanfic

This is the wow forums. People delve into politics to the point where antifa has been defended by the community on here.

Think of the wow forums as 4chan, except you’re not anonymous, and the mods are kinda trigger happy with their ban switch.

Don’t you think you’re like sorta just throwing fuel on the fire with threads like this then?

unintentionally, it’s a possibility, but the issue is that I have seen people say things, even positive things, and have said threads devolve into garbage.

It’s unavoidable. I just remain indifferent to topics that have controversial stuff, because there is no right answer anymore. /shrug

I do try to watch what I say though. I don’t want to be the one the mods give that hammer to.