Anduin should be gay

What does that even mean?

Funny thing about Biden is he told black people if they don’t vote democrat they aren’t black. Then you have Bette Milder(I think it was her) bashing Kanye for running for President because “he’s taking black voters away from Biden”.

Then there’s the people that think they should remove the teaching of “proper” english in schools because it’s not fair to black people because black people aren’t originally from an english speaking country. What I took from that is “we think black people are too stupid to learn or understand proper english”.

They’re attacking Math as well. Yes, they’re calling everything Racist right now. There are also teachers pushing to drop teaching History. Yes, people are going crazy all over the board. They’re using a word so much its losing its weight.

And I remember the last time gay rights was a huge issue … people threw homophobe around so much that people stopped listening.

And just like how the forums are throwing around these “X should be gay” … even if one of them was from a genuine standpoint, the deluge is what is killing any validity of the topic.

Lgbt is a lifestyle? Do you know what lifestyle means? Do you also believe being gay is a choice? :crazy_face:

Why does it have to be new characters? Why can’t existing characters be gay? People in here assuming all existing characters are straight just because Blizzard hasn’t said otherwise… yet. I’m sorry but characters aren’t straight by default.


So then I am right when I think that people are becoming dumber. Glad I focused on earning two STEM degrees instead of the short bus social degrees(yeah I said it). Maybe that’s why I can look at the bigger picture instead of my own world with red tinted glasses.

Because I think it is better to make it a part of a character from the beginning. It leads to a better story in a setting like WoW where they have to establish characters quickly, or off screen with side characters like Shaw where we really just don’t have much lore to look into so it is easier to build them out.

Also, don’t take this next line the wrong way, but biologically speaking: Straight is the default.

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Things will quiet down. The media has been less than … honest with us over the course of the year. And that dishonesty will come back to bite them.


That’s very true. It being an election year just makes matters worse.

Sexuality isn’t political.

Changing someone’s sexuality for the sake of fulfilling a narrative all based on the idea of appeasing a group of people, and not actually having anything be about the character is the definition of making something political.

If a character is gay, and it’s an aspect of them, and a character is designed as gay from the get-go, and it’s not all their character is about? That’s fine.

If a character is straight, or said to be straight, and then suddenly wakes up gay because the developers caved into comments like this one, then yes - that’s people making it political and doing nothing other than fulfilling an agenda.

If you think it’s not, that’s your own problem, but I won’t be silly and call you an idiot for it regardless of how incorrect you are. That’s just rude.


It can be strung into an existing character. BUT … and this is the emphasis, it needs to feel organic and not forced. You need to present it slowly, with care and precision.

And … this is Blizzard. Who has the precision of a bull in a china shop.


Shouldn’t really take much to figure that out.

I mean, it’s obviously a lot more common, but I wouldn’t say it’s the default. I understand people will assume characters are straight because the majority of people are straight, but I disagree with needing to make it clear from the beginning that a character is gay. Maybe they’re gay/bi but have just never mentioned it to anyone. Shaw is a good example.

I just feel like there’s a lot of people in here who are angry at the mere possibility of Anduin being gay, as if that would ruin the game. Reminds me of people on the Overwatch forums saying they wouldn’t play Soldier:76 anymore because Blizz ruined his character by making him gay.

Oh so you’re one of those people I mentioned just above who were mad that Soldier:76 is gay?

The people that don’t see it are people that refuse to see it. A lot of “J.K. Rowlings” were committed to characters in that game.

It works well with games like Overwatch where they said from the start that the cast has diverse orientations and sexualities that we will be discovering later, and then realising story bits that flesh it out.

But I just disagree with throwing a diversification dart at a board of characters who have been around forever. Take the initiative and write an Orc that was banished for loving another male Orc or something. Make it a whole story instead of “so-and-so is gay now, neat.”

I think this should be the case for all wow relationships because Blizzard is just. so. bad at them. But Shaw is kind of the rare exception to the “he is suddenly now” rule because he is a spymaster. Of course he is going to keep his personal affairs on the downlow. His business is his business.

They also spent a little time building some chemistry with Shaw / Flynn during the war campaign where they raid the Zandalari vault. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to create connectable dots down the road.


Horrible way to carry on the monarchy. Kings are expected to make more kings

Maybe so, but there’s nothing wrong with a king being lgbt and having an adopted heir take over the throne. There’s no reason why this couldn’t be a great story and a breath of fresh air.

Agreed, everyone wants to shove BLM and Gay characters into wow… fine start adding in Scriptures and lore of God and Jesus. Won’t happen because while they want us to be accepting of their ideas and believes and choices they are against the things other people like. Very hypocritical to be honest.

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