And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

OR… we can express our concerns like they said they want us to and hopefully get them to come around on the idea and figure out a better way than to make large parts of the population pop in and out of existence.


i am giving it a wait and see approach . if they do do it after 1 or 2 weeks after launch i will pack my bags and move on. probably from all blizzard games in fact.

Just as those of us that want the sharding for a limited launch window can express our desire for the system and to not have a disaster of a launch, because there is no better way to alleviate the problem that will come with the expected massive launch of Classic.

That’s his public speak reasoning - “initial launch day load problems”.

Interesting other point in what he says before that. The goal is not the same as dynamic respawns. It is not to provide more mobs to kill (only one Lord Kazzak), more resources to gather (being able to camp a Thorium vein). It is about their internal problems handling the server load.

The actual question was about dealing with population on individual realms, asking about possible tools like population caps, with CRZ and phasing off the table. Sad and funny how he took that question and used it to try to sell us on sharding as a solution to the first weeks of release, as if once everyone is out of the initial zones the populations will all just magically stabilize.

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So constantly talking about lag, server crashes, queues, bad frames due to too many people, etc isn’t fear mongering?

Hey pot, meet kettle.

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Now I’m pretty sure you are just trolling at this point.

But in the unlikely case you aren’t trolling please explain in detail how I am fear mongering and how I should rephrase my opinions better.

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Your choice. I take no issue with that at all.

Nope, because that actually happened and is based in fact.


“I will wait until the mass of people at launch has receded to see if sharding is still being used. If it is, I won’t play.”

That’s all you really need to do. Just like Xecks up there.

So you just would rather we all just sit back and say/do nothing to express our feelings about the changes blizzard is making to the game and hope for the best?

If this is the case than shouldn’t you not express your feelings about wanting sharding to be in the game and just sit back and see if it gets added in the first place?


That is exactly what many anti-sharders have been trying to tell us. They call us trolls and tell us to go play BfA, etc… So, we shouldn’t tell you all the same thing?

And so is everything people are saying happened with sharding in Current WoW, Blizzard going back on their word, etc. You’re just selectively choosing based on personal bias. That’s the hallmark of a troll, and so now I move on as you’ve displayed your true colors.

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Not sure I follow the logic here, so instead of having a conversation about it you would rather just attempt to shut me down? isn’t that the entire point of the forums? to discuss things like this?

You’re only reading what you want to read in those quotes, your irrational fear of further sharding beyond launch is blinding you.

They’re sharding at launch to make sure that the population is healthy and stable long-term. They’re using sharding, so they can pack 10k maybe 20k people into each server at launch so they don’t need to create 5x as many servers to accommodate everyone. The alternative to this, is create just as few servers but have a majority of people trying to play sitting in a 20 hour long queue, which Blizzard is probably not going to do.

I think he wishes you were on a different forum shard so he wouldn’t have to interact with you.


You’re sure lacking the discussion aspect of your usual trolling. Now it’s just single line quips.

You’ve done the same thing. So, you display the hallmarks of a troll as well?

So, the anti-sharders would actually listen to those of us that understand the need for sharding during launch.

The only things I’ve seen the anti-sharders say against sharding is that it kills community (which at launch, it won’t because launch will be too chaotic to work on community building, as well as people can still communicate with everyone in the zone through general chat), and that Blizzard can’t be trusted to not use it later, which is entirely supposition.

See Mogar’s posts for the typical anti-sharder position. They believe that anyone that does want sharding at the start are trolls. It’s simpler to flag people like that for harassment.

Not gonna lie, I did laugh.

Look, I really do hope that you are all correct and we don’t ever have sharding past the starting zone at launch and I may be blinded by the possibility of sharding further down the road so I’m blowing things out of proportion, but can we please just have a discussion about it without just trying to shut people down and or telling us to just not play if we don’t like it?


The irony here isn’t lost on me.

sorry? I don’t follow.

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Even if you actually meant “as many as are necessary, but only at launch”, that still does not restrict it to the starting areas at launch, does it?

It sounds to me as if you are advocating using sharding well beyond the starting areas if those secondary and tertiary areas (and possibly beyond) are not convenient enough for you or there are too many obstacles (other players in an MMO) in your way.