And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

Then don’t play. If you can’t stand all those “obstacles” (other players in an MMO, for goodness sakes), then don’t play or wait a week or two until the initial rush is over.


At present, with the information available… It isn’t me that has to worry about that. Also, since you’re being disingenuous… Other players in the same are as me is to be expected. HUNDREDS of faceless zerglings in TINY starting areas not designed to hold that many people is not what the developers originally had in mind, if it was, the zones would have been made larger, and had more to do spread out.

You are the one who said in no uncertain terms that you see all those other players in an MMO as “nothing but obstacles in your way”.


Actually, if your stalking of me had been a little less biased, you would have seen that my stance has always been about overcrowded starting zones, and not about other players in general. But, that didn’t fit your anti-sharding harassment narrative, so you just skimmed right over that. But that’s OK. You do you.

Harassment? I haven’t see harassment from anyone. What are you talking about? Differing opinions is NOT harassment


Some people have a habit of following me (and others) from thread to thread posting the same harassing stuff. That is harassment.

“posting the same harassing stuff.”

WHAT harassing stuff?

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Using someone’s own words against them is evidently harassment.


it totally is…not

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Twisting someone’s words to match the anti-sharding agenda is, however.

Please provide examples of harassment. Then report them because harassment is serious and should be dealt with.

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I have flagged them, on multiple occasions. I will continue to do so.

I will not repost them here, so as not to warrant a flag myself.

You can look through the post histories of some of the more fervent anti-sharders in the thread and pretty easily find where they have continued harassment against myself and a few other posters such as Ziryus and Studmuffyn among others.

like you and zirus and studmuffyn dont harass others according to your definition of “harassment” ?

seriously the perma victim complex needs to stop with you. its laughable at best and just sad at worst.


More harassment. Please continue to prove my point.

Disagreeing with you is not harassment.

Pointing out you’re fear-mongering just as much if not more than those you are accusing of doing it is not harassment.

We get it. You want sharding because you hate being inconvenienced and having to compete against others. Other players don’t want sharding because for them such things were what made the original game so memorable and they want Classic to be just as memorable.

Sharding will not create an authentic experience, which is why it should not be used under any circumstances.

Blizzard needs to stop coddling players and force them into making a meaningful choice - is being part of launch worth the inconvenience of lag and possible server crashes that will get quickly resolved just as they were in Cata and MoP before sharding was used, or will it be better to stick to playing modern retail until the launch crush dies down and you can playtest Classic without the inconvenience.

If they’re truly worried about a population surge at launch that quickly dies out and would prefer to see that population more spread out over time, then sharding is absolutely the wrong way to go. It creates the situation they don’t want to exist because it caters to the instant gratification peeping toms who won’t stick around once their curiosity is satisfied because they’re just getting a repeat of the experience they already get in the modern game instead of getting to experience was the original game was really like.

This is my opinion just as you have yours. I am not harassing you by stating my opinion. Stop pulling the victim card out because people don’t agree with you.

