And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

How am I supposed to meet new people in the world while questing if the server puts me in an low-pop shard?


And what happens when all those “obstacles” in Durotar and Mulgore move to the Barrens and you can’t get those Zhevra hooves as quickly as you want?


Go back and re-read until you comprehend then.


Shadring does not affect general chat. So… “/1 Currently killing wolves, anyone want to group up?” is still possible. Then you’ve met people.

Then I work on one of the other dozens of quests in the area, and there won’t be as many “obstacles” all doing the same thing as me at the same time. The Barrens is a HUGE zone compared to the starting zone.

Asking in chat is not the same as meeting people in the world while doing things. Do you understand or do you need me to explain this further?


No valid reasons to re-read.

It may be huge but it’s still bound by levels/quests.
As a level 10 you aren’t going to venture to areas with level 18 mobs.


Funny I had no such issues.[quote=“Fallanaa, post:575, topic:14111, full:true”]

Correct. Once people got out of the initial Hellfire DISASTER (Do NOT care about PvP, it is useless and stupid), things spread out and smoothed out.

Still have yet to see a single VALID reason for not sharding the starting zones at launch, just a lot of sarcasm and snark.

Just because you do not see the value in PvP does not mean it is useless. I do not see the value in sharding, it does not mean it is useless.
Furthermore if bc had the tech from today you probably wouldn’t run into those issues, seeing as many servers weren’t crashing in B.C. even with old tech.

Doesn’t effect gameplay in the slightest. Sharding does.


But how is it fair for us to get a 2 week later start so you can have the start you want? By that time you could be level capped and on a mount?

Let’s make it fair. Those who want sharding get the first two weeks but then ate forced to not play for the next two.
Or instead, those who don’t want the mass of people thing their start can wait two weeks.

Seeing as what you want affects literally everyone else, but what we want doesn’t change the game at all.


They also understand our anger of potential sharding use and will only use it if they absolutely have too. And until they say otherwise I will fight against it’s use.
Furthermore if it is used , and used outside of starting zones or beyond 2 weeks blizzard will never see another penny from me.

Well it’s part of 7.3.5 as is crz. Now they did say no crz but they also said that about retail in the current expansion zones and they went back on their word with that.

And from the various posts I’ve seen on sharding in retail (including blue tweets) it may be an automatic trigger based on population numbers.
This based on posts/blue tweets regarding sharding happening on RP servers during RP events.

This is one of the reasons why people are so concerned with Blizzard even getting a toe in the door with sharding.

If sharding is “automatically triggered” based on population numbers, then how can Blizzard expect to be able to honor their word that it would only be used in the starting areas?

It couldn’t possibly be that they have no intentions of honoring their word and expect that once people accept limited sharding, it will be easier to get them to accept sharding throughout the world, could it? Blizzard has never lied to us or gone back on their word before, right?


I was speculating with regarding that. When sharding happened and players took to the forum the blue tweets said they would turn it off.
So this was all after the fact. But then it happened again and again and again.

I left mid Legion. The sharding/crz throughout the game just got to me.
There’s still lots of players that don’t seem bothered by it.
And if it does stay in classic I’m sure lots of players will stay.
But I won’t be one of them.


to be fair, since basically wrath this game has been venturing further away from mmo and rpg in the name of convienence and accessibility.


Activision is like EA. Acquire a profitable game company and bleed it dry.

You will get no argument from me on that score.

I’m seeing what appears to be a pretty consistent push from most of the posters who play retail wanting Blizzard to head down that “convenience” path with Classic, as well. Some are likely simply trolls trying to sabotage Classic by any means and some are likely afraid of the “challenge” of a truer Classic experience.

don’t remind me. have you seen the latest bull around Dragon age 4?