And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

I only play a few games solidly. It was wow up until last May. Then I switched to ESO. I still play D2LoD every so often.

From everything I’ve read both EA/Activision do nothing but gut successful game companies by cutting costs/content and eventually the fan base dwindles and then close the studio.

It does not.

Denying the truth does not make that truth magically disappear.

How does not being able to see another player standing at the exact same co-ordinates at which you are standing not affect game play?


i’m sorry. sharding doesn’t change who i see in teh game? it doesn’t cause some of my gathering nodes to sometimes dissapear? it doesn’t allow shard hopping to increase how fast i can kill mobs and thus gain exp and how much resources i can gather?


I don’t know why some people can’t just say they’d prefer sharding because they don’t want to compete with other players. I don’t agree with that attitude, but at least it would be honest. Instead they make these silly arguments like sharding doesn’t affect gameplay, which obviously isn’t true. You have to be coming from a position of weakness when you have to ignore basic facts.


If sharding did not affect game play, then why are those with that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratificaton, convenience oriented mindset that is so prevalent in retail advocating for sharding in Classic–some even to the point of supporting sharding well beyond the starting zones and well beyond that brief time at launch?


Seeing random a-holes around you isn’t “gameplay.” It’s seeing random a-holes around you.

That’s what causes that? I thought it was the broken CRZ system, not sharding; nodes were disappearing before sharding made its appearance. And we already know CRZ isn’t making it into Classic, they told us this already.

Nope. The party system does though. Your call if you want to exploit that.

Hmm, another pro-sharder who views other players as random a-holes. I’m beginning to see a pattern.


Give me an example that proves me wrong, and provide a strong non-subjective case for it.

I’m ignoring nothing. My gameplay is not affected AT ALL by sharding. I see no difference now to how the game played back before sharding was implemented. Well, apart from all the other stuff that DID actually touch gameplay. You know, the stuff we wanted Classic for in the first place?

Questing and resource gathering being easier due to not having to compete with all those other players that you see only as, in your words, random a-holes doesn’t change game play?

It most certainly does change game play.


I didn’t have to compete without sharding. I never competed.

And what’s wrong with me calling those rando’s I see in the world exactly what they are? They won’t talk to you, they won’t group with you, they’ll just move on to the next node. Same as on live. Been that way for years, before sharding or CRZ even existed.

Funny, the huge classic culture currently thriving does group and talk.

It will certainly be interesting when the players who have the attitude that “everyone around me is a random a-hole” and the players who view the game as an actual MMORPG collide in Classic.


I played on a Vanilla server for a couple months a few years ago. I only ran into a friendly random group out in the world a grand total of once in that time. Hardly call that “thriving.” Everyone else out in the world was EXACTLY as I’ve described – a complete rando.

It (the community) exists, sure, and it’ll exist more in Classic than it does in live thanks to the nature of the game, but the difference will be minimal at best. Don’t get your hopes up.

Based on that information, you’re very out of the loop on current developments. It’s like me saying that I’m a hardcore raider because of my LFR accomplishments in MoP.


More hardcore than me. lol. If I could get away with it, I wouldn’t touch LFR with a ten-foot utility pole.

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I’m sure carrying over your prejudices from Current WoW is a great way to create an environment that is conducive to making community and social interaction a positive experience.


Why do you think so many retail players and/or people that have that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratificaton, convenience oriented mindset that is so prevalent in retail are advocating sharding?

It couldn’t possibly be because they only see all those other players as “obstacles in their way” or “random a-holes”, could it?

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It sounds like what we have here is just another person who wants to play a solo game in a multiplayer world.

I doubt that attitude will be conducive to accomplishing anything in Classic.

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Sharding also causes that. Sharding hopping also lets me kill stuff while I’m waiting for the stuff on my shard to respawn.
also, it’s going to be a very different culture then what you see in retail or on a private server.


Personally I would rather not see sharding, myself, but if there’s going to be sharding I’m not going to whinge about it like you guys, either. I’d rather have a game that’s not going to DC me because of an overcrowded zone than a game that does, and if sharding’s the only way to accomplish that on Blizzard’s cloud architecture without artificial server caps and login qeues, so be it.

As if making generalizations the way you do makes you even remotely desirable as an in-game questing buddy.

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