And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

So you keep saying, however you can provide no up-to-date evidence that it is the case.

Evidence from TBC’s launch is both out of date (the server structure is nowhere near the same anymore), and proves my point (the launch was a disaster.)

And you keep saying Classic™ launch will be a disaster without it. I fall back on the FACT that Vanilla and TBC survived despite the difficulties of the launch.

You ASSUME that Classic™ will be the same despite hardware updates and, likely, a smaller population at launch.


Fact: In Vanilla & TBC each realm had it’s own hardware.

Fact: With the modern infrastructure everything is in the cloud.

Fact: Private server launches of fresh servers are always unplayable messes with probably less than a 10th of the number of players Blizzard is expecting to play at Classic launch.

Fact: Sharding releases stress on the server cluster while maintaining communication with everyone in that zone on the same realm.

Fact: Blizzard has stated they do not want to repeat the negative launches of the past and turn away potential customers with overcrowded zones.

Based on those facts, the obvious conclusion is that sharding is necessary for the launch of Classic.

Fact: Vanilla survived without sharding.

Fact: Blizzard (Brack) has stated they don’t give a damn how many people end up sticking around.


Fact: 2004 is not 2018.

Fact: WoW will have a combined sub, so every sub to BfA is a sub to Classic and vice-versa. Classic being tacked on to the regular WoW sub will give BfA players something to do during content droughts, and will help retain MAUs.

Fact: Companies often say whatever they think will gain them the most favor. It’s called PR speak.

Since you like sharding and want sharding you won’t acknowledge any reason any poster gives as “valid”.


No…the shared sub is for Legion/Classic. You have to buy BFA separately to be able to play BFA.

Since you don’t like sharding, you won’t acknowledge any reason any poster gives for sharding as “valid”.

Is that all you have ? I happen to agree with all those against sharding and for the same reasons.

I don’t plan to play for 2-3 weeks after launch. And if sharding stays then I won’t play at all. Not like Blizzard is the only one to make MMO’s to play.

A perfectly good and mature response to sharding. Would be great if more of your compatriots felt the same way.

Do you realize the contradiction here? You want sharding for a smooth release, so more players stick around. But, if players don’t like sharding, you’re happy for them to not play at all.

Are you more concerned about the number of players, or of being “right?”

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Simply put: I want sharding so I don’t have to fight hundreds of faceless zerglings (that’s all other players are until they leave the starting zones) for the objectives I need in the TINY (compared to other questing zones) starting areas.

Once we as players spread out, sharding won’t be necessary in the wild or in cities. Then, players take on faces and names of their own, and can be a hindrance or a help depending on their attitudes and goals.

I’m not going to even attempt to make friends until I get to the 2nd or 3rd areas of whichever race (most likely NE) that I choose. Once I hit the proper level, I will create or join a guild, and enjoy the social aspects the game has to offer. But in the starting areas? No. There will be far too many faceless zerglings darting about at launch for that.

That would be Ashenvale at level 20.

From what I remember (and what happens on pservers) it’s the starting zones (1-10) where people try to get guilds formed. Also where you can stuff from the early professions as people try to sell their wares and level up.

You get the shout out in zone “making 6 slot bags by mailbox in town…you provide mats” or “free enchants by the inn”…etc.

I guess that’s up to you if you consider any player under level 20 as “obstructions” to your gameplay.

None of which is hurt by sharding. Sharding doesn’t stop zone-wide communication. And if you can’t see that person, simply join group, get what you need, and drop. It’s really simple to do.

Well that’s just it…you didn’t have to “group up” because there was no sharding. That’s not ‘authentic’.


And? Blizzard said many times “As authentic as possible”, which means that it isn’t going to be 100% authentic, ever. That’s a non-starter.

Are those who see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in their way unable to wait until the initial rush is over?

In the unlikely event they choose not to shard the starting areas, I may very well do that.

In the likely even that they use sharding in the starting zones, I will be on the moment it launches with my wife and daughter, and it will be glorious.

You’ve been given plenty of valid reasons.


No I haven’t. “Because I don’t want it” isn’t a valid reason.