An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

That does happen sometimes, but in my experience the vast majority of the time I’ve seen people are glad for the heads up. Those without patience look elsewhere but in most of the groups I’ve seen people stuck by and were helpful.

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You’re close bro. How about instead of elevating whiteness and white values over all other cultures (in terms of acceptable language/interactions in game), we just give people chat filters and let them /ignore people they don’t like? How about people who see something they don’t like just do a 360 and walk away rather than try to enforce their own cultural preferences on others? Crazy, right?

This is the first I’ve heard about me having values cus of my skin color.


How about people actually follow the ToS they signed and not think their culture gives them a pass to ignore it? Crazy, right?


Maybe you should read more. Check out How To Be An Antiracist by Dr. Kendi my man.

Sadly it won’t do anything. You ban 1 bot, 2 more bots come out of nowhere to replace it. They are like a hydra.

Or i could just treat people on the basis of their character and not their skin, seems to work pretty well for me.


If you read his posts a certain way its like he’s saying white people have values and other people dont? That seems racist without meaning to be? He’s coming off as a troll now. Your culture doesn’t give you a free pass to be a jerk in online interactions, at least not in an MMO. If say it was on a forum dedicated to that culture, that would be very different imo, thought it would still depend on things. What if your culture is very misogynistic or homophobic for example?


I wonder if this is due to Microsoft acquisition. We need Elon Musk to purchase Blizzard. lol

He said culture, not skin color. Culture is different. Like a white american vs a white dude in say Ireland.

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Let’s be real, any and all blizzard systems can and have been abused since the games inception.

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Have you increased the types of report options? For example, I had a guy whisper me, “Hey, are you a girl in real life? If so are you single? Would you be willing to sext for pay?” - My only option for report was cheating, language, or spam. I chose language but like I feel there should be a sexual harassment option.

Given how I believe the report system works, I’m pretty sure he’d only be auto banned for ‘language’ if multiple other people reported him for the same thing. Since this was only a whisper, and I’m the only one who saw it, I doubt anything happened.

This is the first and only time I have ever received a whisper like that in WoW and I’ve been playing since TBC, but that doesn’t change the severity of WTF and how people need a method to handle that type of commentary specifically and correctly.


That’s creepy. You don’t message a random person that way. If he wants ERP go to goldshire on MG…everyone knows that lol.

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Yeh was pretty random and creepy. @_@ I was in the middle of the new zone doing my dailies.

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You just hit the nail on the head my friend. If you choose to read it that way. It seems you’re looking to view something negatively or perceive it as negative. I’m not saying it is or isn’t but try reading it another way. Stop looking for the worst in people.

Its the WoW forums. You kinda need to.

Non participation to tank rating then boosting is quite toxic imo.

This is called a strawman fallacy. Of course other cultures have value systems. The dominant value system in America is white corporate capitalism and, presumably, those are the values Blizzard is going to enforce in game. And no I’m not suggesting some sort of cultural relativistic argument like: “well, what about taliban players, they don’t think women should be allowed out in public without men, so we should allow them to call women in wow harlots.” I’m saying that language is descriptive not prescriptive, and that a term that may offend white sensibilities is not intended to offend (nor offensive) to others, and I don’t see any indication that Blizzard will attempt to account for those cultural differences.

One example I saw in another thread is that people in Australia use the “see you next tuesday” word in a friendly, jovial manner to refer to their friends. So does it matter that the word was used with no offensive intent or not? If not, why not just publish the list of banned words and lets take a look at it and debate them rather than just hide behind the vague “could be offensive” nonsense? Because Blizzard doesn’t want to be held accountable for selective enforcement that elevates white cultural sensibilities over all others.

(Leaving aside that the first response to this is most recognized for their trolling…)

On one hand I want people to be able to be adults and say and do adult things. On the other it’s clear there are too many people now who believe “adult things” includes abusing total strangers, generally treating people like garbage, and silently accepting that behavior while you or someone in your group is receiving.


As far as I can tell that is Battleground oriented and would be related to someone intentionally causing the team to lose with sabotage. Also raid situation where someone is repeatedly pulling the boss to wipe the raid, or pulling trash on purpose to wipe. Things like that. You can already ticket for raid disruption like that, but it has to be done manually. This seems to make that easier.

Correct. The game is held to a T standard and is rated by the ESRB for that. The game content is static - pre-programmed - and can use mild profanity suitable for teens. Same with some mild innuendo and poop jokes.

Player content (names and chat) is not rated because it is created on the fly. Player content has to follow the Policies of the game company. For Blizzard, no matter which game or rating, their policy is the same and it is quite family friendly. Always has been.

I realize that having one set of rules for programmed content and one for player content is a bit confusing, but it makes more sense when you look at the nature of real time social contact vs programmed content that is reviewed ahead of time.

I have thought some about this. I realize people might use categories incorrectly, esp at first. If Blizzard finds that the categories are not working well, and they are getting a ton of false reports, they can review the system and make adjustments to better educate players on what to use and when.

If you would not say something in your local court house, business office, etc, don’t say it in public chats. There is a time and a place for everything. I am sure you know the difference.

Same goes for being offensive. Most people are aware of what is generally offensive in public settings. If they don’t know, the first warning in game, or Silence, will give them an idea. If they don’t stop them penalty can escalate.

Those are for parents to protect kids from people who can’t follow the rules. The rules have ALWASYS prohibited profanity and offensive speech in WoW. The existence of a filter or Ignore does not mean you get to break the rules you agreed to.

Masked profanity his not allowed in game or on the forums. So if reported then yes, a person can get penalized for it.

Mature Language Filter (aka The Profanity Filter)

  • This can be activated within your Interface Options: Main menu (ESC key by default) Click Interface > Social and check - Mature Language Filter.Once enabled, all inappropriate words in our profanity database will be filtered and masked to appear as jumbled characters, such as ‘*##@&’.

Note: The filter does not excuse the language used. The filter serves as a temporary shield, to help parents of minors and others who do not wish to see it, to block it. Our policies prohibit the use of both clear and masked inappropriate language.

The player base has always been pretty bad in online games in general. Blizzard also has issues. Cleaning up both is good. One does not negate or excuse the other.

Not really. We agreed not to use profanity or masked profanity in game or forums starting back in 2004. That is the only side Blizz cares about.