An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

The N word is offensive. period.


Then dont. Who said you had to? Use some logic please… :joy:

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Well obviously that should be a bannable offense, but a child/teen saying the sht word in chat shouldn’t be banned. :joy:

The mans trying to make an argument for it being usable, which is my point.

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Should this post be reported for negative behavior? Asking for a friend.

Blizzard disagrees. And your argument is based on a vacuum. What if that person is spamming the word sht over and over? What if they are using it in an abusive manner towards someone else? You’re going to have a very hard time in the real world if you agree to things then think they dont apply to you later.


Something is not offensive “period” because its offensive to you. So this is just proving my point, which is that the baseline for offensiveness will be white sensibilities.

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This isn’t going to go well. One’s behavior perception is subjective. You’re going to get so many false reports. Not to mention, people reporting just to be mean. After so long in the gaming business, how do you still not get people?

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Well, you’re wrong. Not much more simpler than that.

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So you speak for all people of color? Because I know quite a few find the n word offensive no matter who says it. You’re going to be disappointed. Try and paint it as “the white man keeping me down” all you want.


Sweet, I can’t wait to report every toxic player I come across now and hope they get punished :slight_smile: had a toxic loser a week or 2 ago who told me in a very rude way never to que anything above a 10 in my entire life despite him not doing so good either and the run being meh because we kept messing up and my hunter being an alt who wasn’t fully geared…yeah could have used this system then.

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You just were toxic, you called them a loser.


I’ve found those results include getting kicked from the group. Does negative behavior include not playing the way other folks want, either by deliberate action or inexperience?

I didn’t call them a loser in the moment, only just now because that’s what they were.

No, that’s not my point and no I’m not saying that all BIPOC have the same sensibilities my man. I’m saying there are cultural differences, highlighting one, and flagging that this is going to be a moderation issue. I’m talking specifically about differences in AAVE but there are other large cultural differences across just the U.S. (and of course even larger ones with our friends on the Latin American realms).

what does it matter? You’re on a blizzard forum calling someone a loser. thats toxic.

Yeah I doubt its going to be like that. One culture gets a pass on something and another doesnt?

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Sometimes cultures need to change to bring forth progression. Slavery around the world was a culture to many, but we grew and better men and women lead and now we have most nations against slavery.


Cool story bro, I consider all uptight elitist players who are openly rude to others in the worst ways possible losers.


Sorry man You can’t have your cake and eat it too. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

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