An Apology

I’m a wyrmrest player too. Just haven’t bothered to change my active character.

/picks popcorn kernels from teeth.

You know, I do recall her demand more than an apology from people that offend her. Take note in future threads that she’s in, it’s a great laugh. Want some popcorn? This show is great.


Nah I’m not entertained. I’m just calling out hypocrisy and antagonism.

Even if I didn’t disagree with you, just an FYI nobody reading that thinks this is anything but the most absolute sort of cringe you should have grown out of shortly after your parents stopped abusing you.


Gotta laugh, so you don’t scream. Might as well get some enjoyment from them acting like animals right?

hey look

it’s the thread you made to complain when your “haha sexual assault is hilarious” thread got deleted.



I don’t take enjoyment in these threads I just find them sad.

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why is it always worgen players smh my head


“Place the crown upon my head, morc warrior.”


puts on glasses
reads intently

Hmm. Don’t see sexual assault there. Are you sure it wasn’t another worgen wearing a glowing red monocle that you’re looking for?

le chomp. :popcorn: anyone else here from le reddit? :smirk:

thanks for the gold, a thousand updoots to you, redditors!


I’m sorry you got offended from something I didn’t say :slight_smile:
I’m not apologizing. sorry.


Could you not be?

Apologies without changed behavior aren’t worth a lot. So, yeah, if someone is actually interested in regaining my goodwill, I ask that they demonstrate over time that their behavior’s changed.

It’s a little weird to me that you have so little self-worth that you don’t ask the same? Like, if someone apologized to you for doing something that irritated you and then did the same thing a week later, you’d just keep accepting their apology over and over?


So there’s a thread that you made in which people call you out for your stupid sexual assault joke, but you didn’t actually make a sexual assault joke ever anywhere?

What’s this?

Oh. It’s the post you supposedly didn’t make. Strange.

And thats where you will be stuck not forgiving people. Sometimes people have a guilty conscious, and want to wipe it clean.

People hardly ever change, but you don’t even take a moment of cognitive action that they do to correct a mistake.

That’s why you’re my favorite.

Like I can’t imagine the level derangement it takes to try and lie on a forum where all of your posts are saved and viewable by millions of people.

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puts reading glasses back on
Reads the thread

Hmmm… Strange, I still don’t see sexual assault. You seem to have some obsession with sexual assault. Are you okay?

It’s almost like a public apology on a game forum is meaningless because people on this forum have no idea how they actually are outside of this thread and what they’re doing when they don’t have eyes on them.

As if running off the only information of “I posted racist memes and said the N word several times” less than a month ago makes it hard to even take an apology at face value and is only done as a half-attempt at trying to save face instead of just not apologizing on a public forum and just trying to be a better person without a performance because we have no information on this individual at all.

What a concept.


Man your name brings up a lot of really gross hot takes on Google, you even made a thread about Reckful’s suicide and then corrupted it into a shield against your own trash tier behavior telling everyone to just get over trolls and people who post the kind of junk you do.

Like, yikes, I’m not even interested in the amusement of making you look stupid.