An Apology

I’m just gonna be that guy by talking AROUND everyone’s least favourite worgen rogue rather than posting at them directly.

And also a hypocrite.

I don’t think Vavelva is genuinely worth posting at anymore. They like being the devil’s avocado because they think it’s cute and funny, like that one time they turned himself into a pickle.


I see the furries are acting out again.


Is anyone else starting to get, like, abuse survivor vibes from this?

No, I don’t forgive people who wrong me and then continue to wrong me after they’ve apologized. Who on Earth told you that doing otherwise was healthy?

aw, you’re no fun.

That’s alright, I’ll be sitting around enjoying the show. I’m here if you need me!

sure but can you name a single person in the thread “worth” responding to


who wants to tell him?

Can’t speak for that but I’m gonna go ahead and assert that they almost always don’t.

Are you, though?


Y-yeah let me just


How do you know the OP. When have they wronged you aside from what someone directed you to. You could have passed by him in the game, not known a thing about them, and maybe even do an instance or two with no problem if that wasn’t posted.

Repeated offenses, sure. I get that. But this guy comes on here apologizing. For him to have come out publicly on the forums anyway, indicates that he has some semblence of wrong-doing. instead of saying “It’s okay, just keep tabs on your behavior” you say “No, not until you X, Y, Z.”

You don’t even extend them an olive branch.

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give me back that heart right now.


I’m going to ignore the other guy who is clearly just trolling and pot stirring for luls and focus on this for a sec. Change is hard. People will not be able to successfully change their attitudes and behaviors without support, so if you want to see someone change, help them through it. If you have a friend who is a struggling alcoholic you’re not going to go up to them and be all, “oh yeah well if you want to change you’re gonna have to prove it to me,” you’re going to help them through it even when they’re at their worst. So it is with anything, including bigotry, because humans like the path of least resistance, and staying the same is way easier than changing for the better.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you, specifically, have to help the OP change, I’m not even going to assume you know them. I certainly don’t. I don’t mean to single you out like that, it’s just that you happen to be the one that posted that. I’m just saying that if there is someone who does know them and is in the group that the OP is apologizing to – and due to the existence of the thread, I assume there is – hopefully instead of espousing the same opinion they take the apology and try to nurture the OP into a better person, and hopefully if you find yourself in a similar position, you’ll be able to do the same.

Maybe I’m an idealist, but I try to err on the side of helping people be better.


Can I please get a waffle?


Only got Popcorn, bud.

I s.hitpost for fun, not to be the smartest guy in a room full of clowns.


It’s a world of warcraft forum for the videogame world of warcraft. I can’t tell who’s who anymore.

You don’t own a mirror?


It cracks every time I look in it. When I look at a picture of myself, the screen just turns off.

See my problem is why in god’s name did they make a public apology thread?

Why didn’t they just try to contact these people individually instead of making a post like this? Where it was obvious how this was going to end? Were they blocked by these individuals? Then that means that they’re not interested in accepting OP’s apology. Are they not blocked? Then message them directly!

All we got out of this thread was a bunch of people patting OP’s butt and other people pissed off that they’re exposed to a bunch of crappy racist and other terrible outlooks by osmosis from someone they had no idea who existed. Then the butt patters are upset that people aren’t accepting an apology from someone they don’t even know. Not only that, but they feel inclined to try and make it feel like OP did nothing wrong when OP is literally apologizing for spewing the hateful stuff they did this month.

And then literal trolls who just want to piss off people and post in these threads thinking they’re clever when it feels like I’m reading chat logs from 12 years ago.

I might actually end up insane why did I come back to the WrA forums I had the right idea three years ago.




dont do this to me

Also weren’t they racist like 2 weeks ago? This isn’t AA. You don’t get a pat on the back for every day you don’t say the N-word.