An Apology

So…recently some discord stuff got leaked from a certain guild. And I while only loosely associated with said guild. A particular meme I posted was shown. I just wanted to say this meme in no way represents my views or beliefs and that I formerly apologize to anyone it may have offended.

Furthermore! Someone leaked my Discord DMs following this incident and I didn’t properly clarify my intent. It was leaked that I say a certain word. I admit I used too say this word, but those days are behind me. Such slurs and comments are long behind me and to those I’ve upset I apologize to them in the fullest sincerity. It was a mistake, it’s not me. It won’t happen again. I am sorry.

If you don’t understand the context don’t worry about it please.


You’re the last person I want commenting on this right now. Be on your way Aggressorr.


I don’t know what you did op but hats off for having the stones to apologize. Others should learn from you.

As an aside, the server would be better off if all homophobes weren’t allowed to play anymore.



Anyway Kudos for apologising!


It seems I’ve missed the fun. Oh well, just another day on WRA <3

Alongside the mentioned group by the op being homophobic and transphobic, OP posted a pretty dang racist image.

The kicker? The date on it was from 9/14/2020. So, quick math — two weeks ago

OP isn’t sorry, they’re sorry they got caught.

ETA because I was pist: OP if you’re genuinely sorry and not just trying to cover your rear: distance yourself from that bull and maybe, just maybe, think before you speak/post/engage in any form of communication online or in real life.


I, too, hate it when my actions have consequences


I have distanced myself, I even deleted the meme. It is old, I never said when I posted it. I never claimed I posted it a long time ago, merely that I had it for while. I’m not sorry I got caught, I am actually sorry. I just want to put this behind me at this point. I do ask you keep real life out of this, you don’t know me or my life. I made a mistake, and I’m owning up to it.


What’s the opposite of a virtue signal?

Are you trans? Because if not, I don’t think you have a leg to stand on. Even if you were - I’m gonna swerve out of my cis lane here - I don’t think that’d be for you alone to decide for a whole community anyways.


An offensive meme is an offensive meme. Context or not.


I was going to reply to you more seriously but on your second post, now I’m wondering why you’re a Mag’har Monk and not a troll one.

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Like sands through the hourglass
These are the days of the Wyrmrest Lives.

Music Swells

On a more serious note, if your humor involves putting down another group of people, get a better sense of humor.


Uh yeaaaaaaa, keep fighting the good fight.

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That’s what the little flag button is for.

I’m glad we found out where all the male orc Warrior posters went recently though. They were just rerolling to other classes.


As long as it abides by the Blizzard TOS and COC, sure!


Dismissing it is putting it lightly, let’s be honest. I’m saying it’s dumb and planting your banner on that hill kind of proves you’re a gross rascal. Also probably just a troll. These are your first posts on the realm forums and I doubt you’re ever gonna try to make an effort to post here again.

You’d think you’d want to make a better first impression than going “trap isn’t a slur, trust me I have trans friends”.

I’m not reporting it to hide it, I’m reporting it to (hopefully) award you a post deletion and suspension from the moderators.

EDIT: Huh oh wow crazy how all Saropike’s posts disappeared it’s almost like you can’t say whatever you want even if you’re paying $15 a month.


I’ve always found the screaming about freedom of speech ironic when every platform has you agree to terms and services. As if the Internet isn’t just little enclaves of benevolent and oppressive fiefdoms.


Are you telling me my god dang 15 bucks doesn’t secure my FREEDOM rights to say offensive gross garbage? What in the hell am I paying for then?!


“I pay $15 a month to use an online form of recreation and escapism from the real world and real world issues to reassure people that potentially or proven derogatory terms for trans people isn’t actually offensive, you’re just being a context-removing Karen.”

i bet you he doesn’t even know how to beat Beaver Bother


What the heck, I walk away from my thread for an hour and this happens. O.o