Alterac Valley - what would you like?

You’re completely correct. Using the BG tokens to buy gear was the largest incentive to Zerg - it becomes a time/reward piece.

Prior to that you did AV to have an epic battle and kill people for honor, once the honor doesn’t matter and the tokens do you’re being incentivized to finish it quickly.

Uhuh, tne GY that can be easily skirted by attackers after the kill Galv, the attackers easily capping the GY right outside of the horde base that has zero defensible properties.

I love that this one isn’t even part of the horde base but you are trying to use it as a base advantage.

LoL, the tower that as I pointed out before, completely protects the attackers from the base archers?

edit: besides, the base unevenness was moot when the NPCs were at full numbers and strengths. But you didn’t like THAT version because you cannot be farted to actually play something that took longer than your attention span.

And you just liked the version of AV where you just spammed AOE and let NPC’s do all the work for you.

Too bad in later versions you actually had to defend the base yourself.

Flail more, brosef.
Seems the only thing you do well after your arguments are obliterated.

I can’t speak for Gnocci, but I personally want “Old” AV because I never got to experience it. I’m viewing Classic as a time capsule, a way of experiencing all the things I missed out on from those days and regret not doing.


If they keep MOHs out of BGs then you’d get to experience it without being beholden to running it should it not strike your fancy.

This is why for things like AV it would be awesome if blizzard offered both versions.

Queue for 1.5 AV or queue for 1.12 AV, win win for everyone.

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The fact that the vast majority of those desiring a truer classic experience would prefer the 1.5 version of AV has nothing to do with your desire to push the 1.12 version and your willingness to try to distort the truth in order to do so, right?

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I want ten billion landmines and a meatgrinder.

If you’re saying that the majority of people would choose 1.5 over a later version if given the choice why are you so afraid of giving people that choice?

They can have that choice. BfA or Classic.


So blizzard should use 1.12 AV, like they’re planning. As that version of AV is also very different than retail AV, and of course an actual vanilla version of AV.

It’s not very different. It’ll just be a zerg. Whereas 1.5 AV alone I suspect would bring in a ton of players to Classic, as so few actually experienced it. It’ll offer so radically different an experience.

By the way, it’s ironic that you speak of choice given that you tried to build a Wall to deny players the choice to even play Classic.


Yep which is why I suggested blizzard offer both versions.

Seriously dude, you cannot help yourself from intentionally distorting what people clearly write. It is truly comical, but also rather sad in a pitiful sort of sense.

So given the pepsi test how many people would actually choose 1.5 over 1.12 long term?

And of course simply offering both version negates any further debate :slight_smile:

That is incorrect. The tower did not dismount people in later patches. You can run through the forward camp, through the tower, to the left of the fence, and directly to the graveyard through the gap in the fence without taking any more than a couple hundred damage.

If you got lucky with spell batching you might make it through the tower. Either way if there was horde D in FW it was not easy to take it.

Starting to see a pattern here.


I too see a patern. One of you posting nothing of worth.