Meh, the mileage could vary from server to server, it took a while to settle post the nerf changes, but as I remember it, in 1.11 onwards for my server everyone unanimously agreed that zerging was most effective, this happened way before TBC I don’t think i got the timeline wrong.
@Mickymoo: I think as I remember it, the chokepoint for the horde defense point (past IB GY) was that tower in between the outer keep and the inner keep: with the stronger NPCs around the keep it was much easier to defend the chokepoint overall, but in 1.12 the general tendency is that you could cap the graveyard while ignoring both the east and west towers since you will be out of range of the towers after a while (but its harder to do so for dun baldar)
ah, but that’s more than compensated for the fact that you can’t really cap the GY without capturing the bunkers since you are in clear firing range whereas for FWK you won’t be, and post the nerfs the damage is very negligable on T2+ gear anyways.
EDIT: To add, I also agree and do remember very clearly since I was playing horde on 1.5-1.7 that otherwise FWK was what people call a “fortress” back in the day, and IB GY was a lot harder to take down than SH (even though that SP is also harder than FW GY to capture), but all that changed after npcs got nerfed, shrug.
I guess it depends on the patch. It was really easy to run around any horde defense unless the whole raid was sitting there.
Once I had my epic mount on my pally, I was often the sacrificial lamb to pull the guards from fw aid station and run like hell while the others capped the towers around fw and the aid station. It took maybe an advanced rush of 10 people max while everyone else was setting up D (maybe another 10) and rushing the captain (20).
Then the rest of offense would show up after galv to clear any straggling defense and set up on the hill and buff for the all in call.
At that point, the horde are still struggling with the towers and last gy.
You just never actually played AV, you were probably one of those people who just sat in the middle of the pack and spammed AOE with no concept of what was actually happening over all.
That same tower protected invaders from the horde archers in their towers, those same towers that attackers could skirt around completely out of LOS of the archers in them. The attackers then rushing to the easily kited base graveyard far away from any base defenders.
And if there are no players defending DB horde could and did do the same thing there, the tower archers were never smart enough to target the people capping the GY.
It’s almost like neither base could rely entirely on its NPC for defense.
A lot of people like to pretend that DB was some hugely impossible fortress to crack while FW was a cake walk. You seem to be of that mentality, which is blatantly wrong.
Which advantages did I ignore, oh wise scholar of all things AV? “Advantages” tends to mean compared to something. What does the horde base do better than the alliance base?
Let’s see,
GY outside of base: advantage A
GY inside of base: advantage A
Flags in archer towers: advantage A
Chokepoints inside base: advantage A