Which is one of the dumbest reasons in hindsight, and in viewing the game over its history. Overwhelming feedback does not equate to most people wanting changes, it simply means that you had a large number of whiners who wanted things more easy. Those that enjoyed tne BG as it was were not on the forum crying about things, they were in game enjoying themselves.
They got overwhelming NEGATIVE feedback once they began making the changes. I recall a regular supply if threads begging blizzard to return AV to what it was, but of course they just kept on nerfing and nerfing.
I cannot recall a SINGLE thread that was asking for AV to be nerfed.
They looked at usage of AV and saw that it was vastly unpopular compared to other BG’s and made changes accordingly. Those changes were inline with why people were avoiding AV, too much pve focus, too many NPC’s doing the fighting for you, games dragging on for days and queues that just wouldn’t pop up some servers etc…
I didn’t read the whole posts especially where two adults like two children trying to prove themselves right in a very immature way, you two guys really need to learn to be disagree with someone. But…
I agree totally that all these changes Blizzard made in years which led to the current version of wow which vast majority of players are unhappy with, is because they listened to “large number of whiners who wanted things more easy” while the others who “were in game enjoying themselves” didn’t send any feedback.
If Blizzard/Activision wants a true feedback instead of listening to forum criers they should do some kind of in-game petition.
No matter what version of AV they release we will never see the epic 2-3 day battles again. The extended battles only came from lack of knowledge and people doing non-objective farming.
There was a point where my server Kil’Jaeden, full pop at the time, would have no AV until the weekend. I see why there was a change.
Everyone knows Horde keeps capping Snowfall for some reason and gets stuck at bridge, dying to archers. Alliance wins AV. At least with zerging, Horde’s 1/5 win rate doesn’t seem as long.
I don’t know about everyone else on Horde but when Frostwolf rep is finished, I never touch AV again.
LMAO they most definitely did not. The first time people summoned Ivus on Tichondrius it was a huge deal. 99% of AV back then was people fighting in the middle while others were in the mines gathering resources. I remember when people figured out that taking out a tower would despawn one of the warmasters, that was a huge deal.
I mean there were literal hours long fights over Snowfall GY before anyone even attempted to take out Galv or Bal.
With that logic they should have nerfed raid content, since only a comically small % of players raided.
The “too much pve” once again shines a light on your cluelessness of what early AV was like, and what it became when they removed and nerfed the pve elements
Your first paragraph is explained by your final paragraph. Players who are only in it for the gear do only what is needed to get the gear and then leave. Those who play it for it’s well designed and fun gameplay are the ones that get the end if the stick.
I would rather wait for it to pop rather than have it nerfed to hell just to sate those only in it for the gear. On MalGanis the waits to get into AV were as often because active AVs were full and you had to wait for a spot to open, as much as it was a case of the AV BG not having enough players.